[Huge failure] Open Call 3 [Why?]

There are a varying array of reasons that Tribes players resist new maps being added to official rotations. This problem is nothing new, and something many hardcore players began complaining about in 2001 and 2002.

Reasons Tribes players resist new maps:

1) True Skill

Probably the most holy grail of talents in T1 was the ability to ski, and by that I mean really ski, which is different than route running. Some of the best players in T1 could improvise routes on the fly, and move really fast doing it, causing them to be a huge threat on offense, because you couldn't predict where they would go. These players were very few and far between.

Upon installing new maps into an official rotation, everyone gets a fresh reminder that they do not have the talent or ability to ski that some of these amazing players have.

Since most people seem highly interested in convincing both themselves and the world that they are, in fact, highly skilled superior individuals, regardless of their average or below average skill, facing the reality of a new map would be a blow far too heavy to the ego to take, therefore the ego rejects the idea of playing new maps as a positive scenario.
It's like a child being forced into an SUV kicking in screaming for a trip to the dentist.

In essence, new maps mean that we get to see who actually has skill at the game...

The amount of people that cheat in the game should give you an idea of exactly how badly people are interested in creating a false reality where they can be special.

T1 players don't really care about who is the best anymore, it's all about "talk", cheating, puffing out your feathers with over-confident gloating on the forums, and clinging to the maps you are already familiar with.

If you gave people the unfair ability of having a magic button that instantly killed everyone on the enemy team, most people would want it, they would use it extremely liberally, and then would probably brag about how badass they are for "owning everyone".

People don't want to face reality. They want to be kings. See my name for reference.

2) Bad maps

I have not played open call 3, but up until now, DX, RD, SB, and some of the other classics are just simply great maps. Most of the maps I have seen made by the community seem to suck rather hard, though I have seen a few fantastic ones like Hildebrand and BF. Most of the maps that people have tried to push on the community have just sucked hard.

3) There is no authority.

Nobody to dictate and decide what maps are official and what are not. We have no daddy, so we are all fighting and squabbling about all of our own ideas of what should be right when we need an authority figure to lay it out for us.
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Good player would catch up any other game in matter of days or weeks. I don't see this happen for most players in here. Take a look at tool and Tiger. They are pretty damn good QL players now and it didn't take them very long to archive the level where they are now.

Also, lol at the people who says Tiger cheats. Go duel him on QL. :rofl:
sounds like pumpkin king is mad cuz hes having trouble doing good in the pubs these days. that post read like mien kompf but for t1 players. i wonder if he consider himself one of these "truly superior" players.

as 4 fishstix this dood has millions and millions of dollars.
has he donated even a couple thousand for a game server?
y hasn't he commissioned a half decent youtuber or video maker to make a video that explains the game in e-sports terms and then ensure it gets circulated (esports cyber athletes)
if he wants fresh blood into the game y hasn't he put up some advertisements for the free download of tribe on some high traffic forums or websites.
y hasnt this dood paid a coder like nofix to make an anti cheat (we were all discussing it).
y hasnt he used some of his e-sports cyber athlete pro gaming contacts to attempt to get high rez to make the t1 source open source or to buy it outright and get the right people working on it again.
y hasnt he done xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx.

if i was inheriting an insane amount of money like ben goldhaber i wouldnt being blaming the tribalwar community which accounts for very little of the total tribe player fan base over the years for the game's death.

in the end fishstix has been a nooby and a cry baby from day 1 of playing tribe. and outside of his core group of friends had little impact. but at least he played t1 comp.

if i had that much money and still loved t1 as much as i do i would just get shit done. when this guy says it is nofix dare and opsayo's fault that the community is ruined i laff he clearly has not ever listened to the song if i had a million dollars and he clearly is little bitch.

spoiled brat faggot that he is running his e-sports company going to game conventions all year round and proffessionaly shoutcasting (lol) has the gall to say ppl have ruined a game that is still being argued about and played for 13 years and running

that is foolish and i am happy and thankful tw and tribe still around

if i had ben goldhaber money i wuld definitely make this place more populated and probably better all around

fuck u fishstix ur a nooby irl and in game
look idc i am not some hater of the rich i just think fishstix is a whiny baby

tribe was fun if it live again it is great if not watever real life fun 2

anyway spiro made his own riches and i doubt he is same caliber rich as made 160 million 11 years ago fishstix dad rich
dang i do not shun oc3 either i just shun server admin that put bad map in rotation

if oc3 has good map ppl shuld play them

if meatpit a good map ppl shuld play it

but idk i am told i shun oc3 so i am no good person

and scum euro disci say that the money i put into game not make this game better

u guys kno who used to post in tribe talk before dare became mod tell ppl from irc to post here?

amadeus and manylith

that was it


i am done with thread i will make my own million of dollars and spend on hookers and blow

maybe one day we have after work or sunday pu that wuld be fun
Tribes: A graphical reality check by joemompops50ks5k

How EVERYONE in tribes views everyone else:


How EVERYONE views themselves:


The reality of what TT and the Tribal Community looks like to the rest of the planet:



The interesting thing that happens when you essentially leave a community is that you step out of their social circle and their way of thinking and you begin to get a much clearer understanding of who these people are.

You all love to hate soo much; it's exhausting even trying to keep up with who hates who. It's just flamethrowers for handshakes and fuck you's for hellos, and nothing positive was ever done here without a negative intention, reaction, or interaction occurring.

The game is about to hit retro top ten lists. We're all either grown men or no longer babies and the community needs to accept the reality and let tribes go. It has given all of us more than nearly any game possibly could, thanks in part to a team of designers who truly were gamers and understood how to create and keep a ground movement going.

Those days are over.

I tried all of the maps; I try all kinds of maps (even meatpit) and I even attempted making a few. In the end though, the massive ball of hatred that scours everything tribes-related far out-reaches any good intentions and we're all guilty of fueling that.

(Also leave Fishstix alone already. Jesus it's creepy the way you people try to goad him into spending money etc. It's really none of our business who his father is or what his personal situation is and shit like this just tweaks the creep meter up higher and higher for TT.)

Still :heart: tribes, :wave: TW

./me goes back to lurker mode