[Huge failure] Open Call 3 [Why?]

i wuld but i do not have search anymore

it is called meatpitLT and it was not a troll map i think it was very good and culd have been even better if i had used some of darkpiece's bases

i had it play tested by many top tier player when i was making it and this was way before oc3

it was not allowed in oc3 cuz i called swordfish emo and a nooby and he got butthurt and decided to exclude me'

ez pz
i like a few of the oc3 maps. mudvania, twinpeaks, and palatine come to mind. some fun skiing there. it's a shame 90% of players get booted from the server each and every time it switches to one of these maps. there ought to be a warning between maps that tells you where to find the oc3 archive if you don't have it installed, in which case you are to be summarily jettisoned in mere moments, like yours truly from a pickup.
palatine reminds me of emperor palpatine

The Palatine Hill was where many Roman Emperors lived :wave:

Lack of infrastructure and centralized gaming community for sure.

Then again, things like adding oc3 to the rotation, and putting a dl link message on the server would help their exposure.

And thanks for the critiques/comments all.
i hear they turned out pretty good tho ive never downloaded them

but then again when you have a moron that never learned how to play one position even remotely competitively like swordfish leading the whole thing then really how the fuck can you expect these maps to play nicely?

did the tribes 1 devs design the Nat route?
things that should have happened years ago:

#1. A site dedicated to a full install of T1 and a central place for the T1 community.
#2. On going Anti-Cheat updates.
#3. A main serverside config with the full options the community currently has.
#4. More map releases and even map updates to include skies on maps like SH/CCD
etc etc

Why did those things never happen?(I know hindsight is furfuhfurdur)

#1. No main authority figure in T1.(could have been Andrew & Nonreg, but the two don't get along)
#2. Potential Anti-Cheat creators were more worried about creating cheats than preventing them.
#3. Laziness.
#4. Laziness.

T2 is still "alive" because of the TribesNext project(Thyth) and competition still exists(Celios). T2 has a buttload of maps and a lot of server options came built into the game. So in a way it was easier to maintain T2, but it still required(requires) a lot of work and personal time.

In the end we are left in our current state. No anti-cheat, No competition, No easy way of putting up a server, No authoritative figures, No rules, No hope.

Any good done is stumped by somebody doing bad later on.

I'd like to thank the cheaters/trolls/egos/cheat spreaders for our current shithouse of a community. and it's not really the cheaters that bother me...its the cheat creators. Cheaters can't cheat without cheats. Anybody with an ego and enough stupidity will cheat when given the chance. Pride and ignorance are only heightened when there is suspicion of somebody holding an advantage over you. Thanks to our many cheat enablers, anybody with a strong urge to gain attention in a video game, can download hacks to make themselves feel as if they have leveled the playing field. Any time a legit player makes an aware play on them, they can just write that player down as a cheater in their head and continue feeling good about themselves.

So thank you T1 community. Some of you are good people...The rest of you deserve to play a dead game.

couldn't have said it much better.
i like a few of the oc3 maps. mudvania, twinpeaks, and palatine come to mind. some fun skiing there. it's a shame 90% of players get booted from the server each and every time it switches to one of these maps. there ought to be a warning between maps that tells you where to find the oc3 archive if you don't have it installed, in which case you are to be summarily jettisoned in mere moments, like yours truly from a pickup.

The server join message


could add a link to the OC3 maps. Right now it says "Welcome to The Community. Thanks to NoFiX for the coding."

should also be used since "most" configs pop a failed to connect/connection dropped message that can provide relevant info.

Starsiege TRIBES - Server Corps

Starsiege TRIBES - Server Corps
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no but i did play a few maps of t1 today it was fun

also before any1 calls me negative for this map design hating

how many maps do we play? a pool of like 6 or 7

how many maps/map packs have been made over the 13 years of tribe that are unplayable and trash even with custom terrain etc etc

beauty of t1 is that even the trashy maps that have little depth can be played and you can have fun on them but there is always going to be favorites

in conclusion i am king suck a dick
I downloaded the maps. Hosted my own game and just ski'd around on them. I was never able to play them online with others, but I still downloaded them. Took like 2-3 mins of my life. I never regret I spend so much time on that. Good maps.
idk do you know?

y dont you use some of that 40 million your dad has banked and do something positive for the community

at many points I have tried. in the end, it was none other than yourself, opsayo, nofix, etc that drove me away. the only way it would be worth trying is if we had an entirely new player base somehow. the current T1 community on TW is raping itself continuously :fu: