How would you like to be remembered?

As a good husband and father and hopefully grandfather. Fucking duh. Every other answer is bullshit.

agreed, but i'll go this route. i'll be remembered as someone who had some good money in savings and lots of life insurance coverage. my family will be able to live the life they had financially with me alive

i just upped my life insurance so my wife gets over a million dollar payout if i die

a lot of husbands/fathers die and the family has to sell the house, move, change schools, transition to a single working parent family, etc. one death is remembered as the downturn of other lives, but i do not want my death to be remembered that way
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I have a hard drive with over 1 terabyte of images and videos. I'm hoping the next generations can convert it and remember me. There's images of me playing keyboards in band, Ashley jumping horses, Christmas celebrations.

How often have you spent time celebrating your great grandfather, or even your grandfather.

Life is hard, make the best of it and become fertilizer.
I have agreed with my wife, if I am to go first, then it will be as a rock-concert-viking-pyre type thing.
How often have you spent time celebrating your great grandfather, or even your grandfather.

Life is hard, make the best of it and become fertilizer.
Only pictures of the grandfathers because they passed when I was a kid. I have pictures and videos of both grandmothers. I look at them when going through all the pictures. But yeah, you are correct. People only remember the person at the funeral. Then the house is cleaned out and the memories are gone other than a few pictures.

I make the best of life but keeping all my digital pictures and videos is a hobby of mine. But like I say, someone will have to convert the data when I'm gone, or I"ll have to leave behind a working computer.
How I would like to be remembered?

As a well hung porn star with a hot wife. A multi-billionaire philanthropist, a philosopher, a poet. A man at the age of 85 that climbed Everest. Found the cure for breast cancer. Saved the life of a drowning child who later became a state senator of great influence.

None of that will happen though.

As a life member of the freemasons, my contributions will continue to the fraternity forever, since the money I paid went into an endowment that gives a ROI annually. In the lodge there are pictures on the wall of all of the former past masters of the lodge dating back to 1894. My picture is on that wall as well.

As a veteran who will be buried in a national cemetery, at least once a year someone will put a flag on my grave, or maybe a wreath at Christmas time.

So far, that's at least two ways I will have left a legacy long after I am a worm feast.
A wife will tell her man "Yes, honey - a Viking Pyre it is" and then just dump his ashes in a river while holding up a bic lighter.

haha, that could be very true, you must know my wife...

But at least I'm content with the thought of a rock-concert-viking-pyre thingo
here we go this is the real answer

when i die i would like to make sure my body can be more useful to someone else than it will be to me. since government organ harvesters and dnc satanic birthday parties, i AM NOT AN ORGAN DONOR AND PLEASE SIGN UP TO NOT BE FOR YOUR FAMILY SAKE. however it seems like that in the next "iron man" or halloween movie it would be fun to have a scene where a corpse explodes for real, like the horse in godfather. this would be a classic way to honor my memory and become part of the movies i once loved.

if this does not yet exist i am going to start a kickstarter so please post here how much you would donate to sell your corpse to hollywood so we can get a basic estimate of the cost.

sell your corpse to hollywood? by bowl of blood - TribalWar Forums
How I would like to be remembered?

As a well hung porn star with a hot wife. A multi-billionaire philanthropist, a philosopher, a poet. A man at the age of 85 that climbed Everest. Found the cure for breast cancer. Saved the life of a drowning child who later became a state senator of great influence.

None of that will happen though.

As a life member of the freemasons, my contributions will continue to the fraternity forever, since the money I paid went into an endowment that gives a ROI annually. In the lodge there are pictures on the wall of all of the former past masters of the lodge dating back to 1894. My picture is on that wall as well.

As a veteran who will be buried in a national cemetery, at least once a year someone will put a flag on my grave, or maybe a wreath at Christmas time.

So far, that's at least two ways I will have left a legacy long after I am a worm feast.
I would like to join freemasons
My brother has been a mason for many many years. Whenever he comes over to Ireland, he always attends the lodge here in Dublin, I believe it is one of the oldest in the world.

I've been to the lodge and a few functions, but have never progressed into joining.
my dad was in, my father in law was in and my uncle is a grand master and one of the top dogs in Aus.

I've thought of joining up, maybe I should now I'm getting too old for anything else
Whats the ROI though that Gandalf was talking about

Return on Investment.

In this state, all life memberships are put into a mutual fund. At the end of the year, they take a % of the dividends and divide the money up to each lodge based on how many life members they have in their records. The fund continues to grow, and it's forever, well, as long as freemasons are around.

So basically I will continue to contribute to my local lodge long after I am gone.

And for anyone curious about joining, look for your nearest local lodge, or write your grand lodge where you live, and ask how to join. It's a tad difficult as most lodges are shut down due to covid restrictions. Here in washington state we haven't been able to meet since march.