How would you like to be remembered?

She was hot as fuck. I mean supermodel hot. She was also smarter than 90% of the people I've ever met. She was a fantastic overall person and I feel privileged to have had her in my life. She just couldn't reconcile her beliefs with what I did for a living.
Holy shit, my post got deleted. Let's try this again.

I have a hard drive with over 1 terabyte of images and videos. I'm hoping the next generations can convert it and remember me. There's images of me playing keyboards in band, Ashley jumping horses, Christmas celebrations.
they probly won't b able 2 convert it unless u leave hieroglyphic (newtime fags call it 'universal pictograms' 2 justify their regressive anti-phonetic tendencies) instructions 4 them to follow
What BoB said above. Unless we become some historical figure like Attila the Hun, Marie Curie or Shakespeare we'll all disappear like ashes in the wind.
She was hot as fuck. I mean supermodel hot. She was also smarter than 90% of the people I've ever met. She was a fantastic overall person and I feel privileged to have had her in my life. She just couldn't reconcile her beliefs with what I did for a living.

this is someone who knows what he wants and doesnt give 2 fucks about what people think.
As a good husband and father and hopefully grandfather. Fucking duh. Every other answer is bullshit.