How would you like to be remembered?

The Obi dide/not dide thread got me thinking...When your time comes how would like people to remember you? People will always try to say reasonably nice things about someone when they die but inside they have a real opinion of you.

I have thought about this a bit and I would prefer if people just paid me no mind when I'm gone. I would hope my family would remember me as a good person but I don't want my name on a building or anything like that. If anything I like for folks to say occasionally "Shit...I wish SC was still around. He'd know what to do." I think that would be a great compliment and a great way to be remembered.

edit: I'll be remembered as the old fuck that couldn't use the internet now apparently. Someone please delete 1 of these.
I want all of my comments on Tribal War to be published as a coffee table book with pictures of me.
everyone who remembers you will themselves soon die, all in less than a lifetime

to put it differently. unless you become a historical figure, adding memory to your lifespan is only going to extend your "lifetime" x2 to x3. the older you die, the smaller the bonus percentage-wise.

obi bun died at 33, so if there is some 1-year-old on whom he made a huge impression that lives with his memory til she dies at a very old age of 100, memory gave him a +300% modifier. that's because he died so young.

more desirable scenario, say you make it to 100. your great grandkids are probably around 10. (if you don't have great grandkids you are already dead). if they remember you their entire life til dying at 100, you got 190 years "alive". not even 2x your actually lifespan.

my nephew was born yesterday. first of the next generation in our family
Nobody will ever know you ever existed. We barely know of the the most famous people on the planet. Sorry bro, but as far as other people are concerned your existence is meaningless.
I think a full size concrete garden statue of me would be nice. Maybe I should order it while I'm alive. Use my crap DnD Mini painting skills to paint it.