How much do you charge for graphics work?

They are probably looking for something on the cheap or they would go with an experienced artist.

I would not charge anything more then $40 an hour unless it becomes a full time gig and then figure out the salary as fool suggested.
Yea, the people on this board are fucking morons, don't take their advice. Show us some works, is it worth more than $20 an hour? If these guys want you on-site, part-time, you're most likely not getting more than that, unless you make some kickass graphics, which I doubt you do.
Judging from their fugly ass site, I'd say you're a shoe-in for the job, as long as you don't blow up your rate.
normal prices i've seen for professional contract workers is 40-50/hr as far as 3D modeling/animation goes

old ad agency i used to work at charged 150/hr for animation
design work was like 100-125
If they could afford 40 an hour they'd have a better website. You'll be lucky to make 15.
Monkey_b said:
Yea, the people on this board are fucking morons, don't take their advice. Show us some works, is it worth more than $20 an hour? If these guys want you on-site, part-time, you're most likely not getting more than that, unless you make some kickass graphics, which I doubt you do.

well i dunno what i consider my skillset to be at. I guess above average, but I'm pretty good at rising to the ocassion. Here's 2 sites I did:
(small site i put together that's not finished)
(just the flash content)
TedBundy said:
well i dunno what i consider my skillset to be at. I guess above average, but I'm pretty good at rising to the ocassion. Here's 2 sites I did:
(small site i put together that's not finished)
(just the flash content)

Redjack is meh, phillystyle is sweet. By "just the flash content" do you mean the entire home page? Phillystyle is MUCH nicer than redjack.
Monkey_b said:
Redjack is meh, phillystyle is sweet. By "just the flash content" do you mean the entire home page? Phillystyle is MUCH nicer than redjack.
Yea I was sub-contracted to do the front end of the site. Cuz this web company doesn't know how to do Flash. So yea before you click any links, that's what I did.
Shoot anywhere from $15 to $30, deffinately not higher than that. If you're confident in your ability to deliver work that meets their expectations, you can aim higher, otherwise aim lower (assuming you want to keep your job for a while)

Personally, I would hit for $20 an hour, that's a fair wage, and leaves room for raises.
Spadeon9 said:
What he's asking is HOW MUCH IS A FAIR AMOUNT?! :twak:

I'd say between $30 and $60; try and check some local ads from other people (if there are any) in the yellow pages (.com) or craig's list or something.
The main intention of my response was to spur creative and or intuitive thought on the part of Ted Bundy. A successful businessman knows how to think for himself.
Ted, I work out of W-B and have been getting from $40-60/hr. My usual selling point is cheap hourly cost for updating/maintenance/etc. If they're a serious organization, they won't have a problem paying a good amount as long as you don't drag your ass and bill them for dicking around on TW or playing Counter-Strike.