how long before people stop blaming 9/11

orbital 123 said:

Kurayami said:
I liked the secretary. She reminded me of a girl that I know.

Maybe I should become a ruthless dictator?
i just spent like 15 mins trying to get the subs for cd 2 to work.. they were 20 seconds fast
Kurayami said:
You suck at subtitles.
no, whoever made these sucks at subtitles

at least i know when they match up since i still know some german ;o

im glad VLC has that option to delay them
Walking_Man said:
Will your motto be "A T-80U in every garage!"?
Nah, the T-80U is old.

Maybe a UM2. However, my socialized healthcare system will not cover dismemberments by autoloaders.
orbital 123 said:

Nah, it's CULTURE of DRAMA.

People in the U.S. aren't afraid of another attack, nor are they ignorant. They just like to avoid dealing with problems until they become catastrophes, so they can rush in and look like hero's after the fact.

I mean seriously, name one news story, movie, or T.V. show that starts out with us being prepared, and not being caught off guard by some rediculously obvious chain of events.

This reminds me of a joke I think Patton Oswald did. He was discussing how when american idiots manage to do something normal people do all the time, they are praised for not fucking up. When normal people fuck up, they are harshly criticized for not being perfect. This attitude really helps to generate the common perception that it's better to just be stupid (or at least act that way) then it is to be smart... :shrug:
9/11 will stop being mentioned as soon as the democrats win the presidency, followed by a republican winning the presidency, followed by another democrat in which case the two sides will no doubt have a new something to blame the other side for.