how long before people stop blaming 9/11

i dont have to worry about any chicks at the moment :mecry:
and ya, its der untergang.

i think it would be a perfect date movie
im going to ask a girl out just so i can take her to it (if it doesnt suck)
Also, yeah. I can honestly say it didnt have a big impact on my life aside from "Man, that sucks." I never got emotional about it.

I think my T2 clan leader might have died in it though. The clan was slowly dissolving and right after 911 I never saw him agean. Last time we played was 9/09. I still check his player history.

He was at an UVA one, his name is Ziggy. Anyone know him, if he is still alive? He lived in NYC.
People will blame 9/11 for years and years. Its too convenient a scapegoat for the government to take advantage of.
I mean, look at the reactionary laws and shit that got passed in the short months following 9/11, and the media coverage does nothing but drum up lots and lots of fear in the general populace.

This one is gonna get milked for all its worth, and then some.
My grandmother is one of those ppl who is scard to death of everything becuase she watches the news all day.

She tips the pizza guys 50% becuase "They risk their life to get the pizza hear!"
how long before people stop making threads about how long it will be before we stop blaming 9/11? Your guess is as good as mine.