[Help]How do I get my pants off?

They aren't expensive jeans at all, just my favorite pair.

i know you don't want to cut them but its not gonna fuck them up if you do it right. just cut the pants up the seem just enough to where they will slide off. Then sew them back up

If I do this I think I'll have to cut the seam all the way up to the crotch, as the hard part of the cast on my heal is huge. Would the jeans still be fixable with that long of a cut?

I don't know why they did it like that or why noone told me to take of my pants beforehand. :mad:
They aren't expensive jeans at all, just my favorite pair.

If I do this I think I'll have to cut the seam all the way up to the crotch, as the hard part of the cast on my heal is huge. Would the jeans still be fixable with that long of a cut?

I don't know why they did it like that or why noone told me to take of my pants beforehand. :mad:

maybe i dont know but i doubt you would have to go all the way up. Most pants get way thicker in the thighs. As far as fixable ..yes of course all it is now is a stitch right ? So if you did a good solid stitch again in the same spot it would make no difference. if your mom or gf/wife has a sewing machine i guess it would be pretty easy for one of them to do :p
Well that's that. I just cut them off; had to go about 3/4th the way up to the crotch to get the cast out. :( Hopefully I can get my sister to sew it back together tonight.

Thanks for help Trav & all :sunny:

:lol: you fell for it ...they are fucked now MUHAHHAHHAHAHAA

you totally fell for my trap to get you to cut your pants when you did not want too
