Ham radios

I was deep into ham at one point. So deep in fact - I had to go to ham rehab to kick the shit. It is a slippery slope. You won't even know how far it has you sucked in until it is too late. I count myself lucky.

By the time I realized that I might have a problem, I was working with a group of radio vixens called the Hell Bunnies. These chicks were hot. They were generating, modulating and broadcasting packetized orgone energy from a group of women they referred to simply as battery betties. I helped them create the equipment and also took charge of tuning the gear to extract the maximum orgone energy from a bett. It was a job that I loved.

We got into some really crazy shit to keep the signal flowing. We incorporated a feedback and amplification system that drove the betties wild. It was like crack. Sometimes we would go for days. No one could keep that up for very long. 3 years on the extractor would leave a woman ruined. Male energy was too transient. Besides - who wants to work with men anyway.

I was the ringmaster for sure. Our channels were shut down in the beginning and we moved to a Tor2 rebroadcaster. The secret, though, was in the DACs. Sure - it was tough to go from orgone to bits - but the real magic happened when bringing it back. One of the chicks was a true DAC artist and her magic all happened with her approach to filtering - you would be amazed what happens when you take the info that is filtered and introduce some high clitoral harmonics.

Those were the days. None of us - the ones that are still around - are sorry that we did what we did - it was some seriously magical shit.

Good luck.
I was deep into ham at one point. So deep in fact - I had to go to ham rehab to kick the shit. It is a slippery slope. You won't even know how far it has you sucked in until it is too late. I count myself lucky.

By the time I realized that I might have a problem, I was working with a group of radio vixens called the Hell Bunnies. These chicks were hot. They were generating, modulating and broadcasting packetized orgone energy from a group of women they referred to simply as battery betties. I helped them create the equipment and also took charge of tuning the gear to extract the maximum orgone energy from a bett. It was a job that I loved.

We got into some really crazy shit to keep the signal flowing. We incorporated a feedback and amplification system that drove the betties wild. It was like crack. Sometimes we would go for days. No one could keep that up for very long. 3 years on the extractor would leave a woman ruined. Male energy was too transient. Besides - who wants to work with men anyway.

I was the ringmaster for sure. Our channels were shut down in the beginning and we moved to a Tor2 rebroadcaster. The secret, though, was in the DACs. Sure - it was tough to go from orgone to bits - but the real magic happened when bringing it back. One of the chicks was a true DAC artist and her magic all happened with her approach to filtering - you would be amazed what happens when you take the info that is filtered and introduce some high clitoral harmonics.

Those were the days. None of us - the ones that are still around - are sorry that we did what we did - it was some seriously magical shit.

Good luck.
This, this is why I love you.
frankly, i dont care, ill use the space if i need too. Im just offering my taxbone the the nazi FCC. among others.

I was deep into ham at one point. So deep in fact - I had to go to ham rehab to kick the shit. It is a slippery slope. You won't even know how far it has you sucked in until it is too late. I count myself lucky.

By the time I realized that I might have a problem, I was working with a group of radio vixens called the Hell Bunnies. These chicks were hot. They were generating, modulating and broadcasting packetized orgone energy from a group of women they referred to simply as battery betties. I helped them create the equipment and also took charge of tuning the gear to extract the maximum orgone energy from a bett. It was a job that I loved.

We got into some really crazy shit to keep the signal flowing. We incorporated a feedback and amplification system that drove the betties wild. It was like crack. Sometimes we would go for days. No one could keep that up for very long. 3 years on the extractor would leave a woman ruined. Male energy was too transient. Besides - who wants to work with men anyway.

I was the ringmaster for sure. Our channels were shut down in the beginning and we moved to a Tor2 rebroadcaster. The secret, though, was in the DACs. Sure - it was tough to go from orgone to bits - but the real magic happened when bringing it back. One of the chicks was a true DAC artist and her magic all happened with her approach to filtering - you would be amazed what happens when you take the info that is filtered and introduce some high clitoral harmonics.

Those were the days. None of us - the ones that are still around - are sorry that we did what we did - it was some seriously magical shit.

Good luck.

i havent seen a glorious post like this in years not since logroller tried
i have a small shortwave radio
it seems like almost everything I find is either some form of religious show or someone speaking spainish

it is kind of fun to look around at night and see how far away you can pick up stuff (i only have a receiver, no transmitting)
I suggested the best handheld transmitter to get for a new ham, so if you didn't go yaesu, what did you get?
I have to deal with guys in a ham radio club once a year for an event I volunteer for. They are mostly retirees and are good/harmless guys. Any younger ones are hopelessly dweeby. They are sort of analogous to guys who keep and maintain old steam-powered boats. Sure, it is cool in a timelock sort of way ... but in the end it is useless. I would expect that some "preppers" are trying to get in on it for their paranoid prep fantasies.
Old guy who built my house must have been into it. There are old radio code wavelengths on index cards tacked in the shed and a 40ft long aerial that spans from the shed to the third story roof. Maybe I should plug something into it one day. I could listen to people even more spergy and awkward than the ones here
i look forward to getting a call sign.

Ill play around with this, but when shit does hit the fan, and it will.

who you think will be back up and running first? cell service or ham operators.
