Ham radios

i used to mess around on my brothers cb. talk to anyone around, truckers most of the time.

was fun. it's cool to just kinda call out into nothingness having no idea who is out there and then just talk about whatever with some random ass person you will never meet and prob never talk to again.
cb radio is such a narrow scope of the freq range.... lmao

a good radio can listen into anything non encrypted. and legally or not, trounce on any conversation if they feel like it.
I used CB and marine radios a fair bit and yeah - a ham radio has so much more bandwidth and potential for listening to interesting stuff
i look forward to getting a call sign.

Ill play around with this, but when shit does hit the fan, and it will.

who you think will be back up and running first? cell service or ham operators.


Aaand then anyone with a direction finder will follow your signal and take all your stuff.
when i was like 10 or something we used to troll truckers on cb radio in my uncles truck when he'd go to bed

some dude nicknamed warlock or something nexted the fuck out of us on the emergency channel. knew our names, color of clothes we had on at the time, what kind/color truck we were in, etc.

this was in extremely rural indiana in the middle of the day. ham/cb is where real sorcery is found
I've been one since 1990. Need to get back into it. Started as Novice(code) and upgraded to Technician. I missed one code question too many to pass General, made 100% on the written part though(before code was removed).

I have a Yeasu FT-840 HF rig and 40 ft of tower lying around. Also have some VHF UHF portables and mobiles.

CW was fun as hell. I really liked making low power rigs, antennas and keyers. I got into packet for a while and still have a MFJ-1278 tnc.

I got a $35 Baofeng vhf/uhf portable I use daily as a school resource officer. I programmed it to use on the school's channel.

http://www.lightinthebox.com/c/two-way-radio_6510 - iffy site likes to spam your email

http://www.dx.com/s/baofeng - ok site for cheap chinese stuff
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cq cq cq haha stop stop I can't breathe.. omg we're so old, 73's anyway.