[Guess the race] Government forced to ban sex with animals

Oh you swarthy little mongrel, it's plenty necessary for commies to endlessly legistlate to justify their jobs and to roll the tentacles of big government around every little thing. People laugh at Sharia law dictating how to wipe oneself, well, commies are no different than Muslim religious law scholars in this regard. They wish to tell White men exactly what they can and cannot do. White people don't need these laws, it's that simple. If some simpleton puts his cock in a horse or gets fucked by a rottweiler, they are degenerates who are ostracized. The animals don't care. If you go around fucking prize hogs there are existing laws which will see you punished if caught. But commies don't care, they want new laws. Any new laws. Whites need few laws because we are by nature generally lawful, as it were. The way White law works is you have few of them, and they set a precedent which makes it easy to exist in a society because you can make assumptions on what is and isn't allowed based on other things.

your mind is limited. and I understand. you spend too much time @ the sea fishing Bacalhau for me to eat. See, the thing is, you wouldnt need laws at all if you weren't a degenerate scumbag crawling and fucking everything around you. It's your nature. It's human's nature. Laws exist to allow only an elite to fuck everything on this world and to keep you on your ground.

But I'm not discussing laws in general. The point here is the literally "fucking".. Animals. The main goal of this thread is to discuss the fact that some societies (nigras ou whites) actually need a law to fight the besteality. Meaning that those societies are extremely degenerate to commit such acts.

The animals don't care.

I guess the goat that you possess does not complain?... But maybe it's because it can't speak...? just.. maybe...?

teh fuq...