Got Questions for former dynamix employees?

Did they know what skiing was before the game was released and did they have enough foresight that heavy o and heavy capping was a possible legitimate strategy
Did we learn to crash scouts into people via terrorism or did terrorism learn to drive cars into bulidings because of tribes?
I've seen screenshots from early builds with vertical damage/energy bars that aren't possible in T2 without the use of l33thax or DT restoring the functionality.

Why was the "verticalFill" option for HudBarBaseCtrl GUI objects disabled in the retail release?
Killjoy said:
does this dress make me look fat?
*thinks yes, cause it doesn't make any difference fatty, but wants a good time*

"Ah noo sweety, you look hawt. Come o'er here and share teh booty."

My question:
Is the answer to life the universe and everything really 43? :worried:
Jislan said:
What compels game designers to try and reinvent the wheel when they already have a successful product? Sometimes all the wheel needs is some new rims. :p

I can't believe people are still asking this question.

First: Ultimately, the skill of the players in T1 increased to the point where it surpased bounds that the game was developed for.

Second: Now imagine throwing in a newbie to a T1 server with all those vets. It would take exactly 30 seconds for them to quit....very possibly before they even learn to leave the ground. There had to be some sort of level playing field. T2 wasn't a game for T1 players, it was a game for all gamers. T1 vets just had to suffer becuase they happened to be the best already.

Third: Part of T1s success was accidental, part was its lack of copy protection, and part was the gameplay. With T2, well, you can't make something great accidentally on purpose. Without copy protection, at that point, they would have sold 5 copies total. So they created a game with the same gameplay style, but slowed down for everyone else.

The only possible way you will ever get T1 with better graphics would be to do it yourself....and legends is an example of why that will never happen either.
What I would like to know is how did the general game design of T2 change over it's development cycle? Did it start out as a T1 clone? What events caused major gameplay shifts during development? How much weight did the tribes communities have when making dev decisions?

And finally, If you could go back and change one thing about T2, what would it be? (and be brown nosing "I would make it like T1!!!11!" answers)
I kind of have this... really terrible habbit of asking myself all these stupid questions right? Like what if uhh… what if there's a spot on my body that I can touch to keep my heart from beating? or like what if, what if theres this uhh... stray bullet out there that’s gonna come through my window and take me out? like what if uhh... what if theres this huge unstoppable comet that’s just gonna like, destroy the earth and all of us? Like what... what if that’s happening right now? How can I avoid all these questions if I don't have that? Like, who is gonna be here? Why... who is gonna be there... in the hospital? Who is gonna tell me that all this is bullshit... its a dream? Just a dream.This is not a joke. And uhh... i'll never sleep.

Who will be there to tell
Me how stupid I am