Got Questions for former dynamix employees?

I don't believe anyone lost the code, they just don't want to answer questions about pertaining to it being released
1) Why was the menu system for Tribes2 such a radical departure from Tribes1? The idea had merit, but the implementation was a resource hog at best and a nightmare to navigate.

2) What were some of the 'pros/cons' that you took from Tribes1 and how were they applied (or not?) to Tribes2?

3) What was the mood of the Dynamix team when Tribes2 launched and the problems began to crop up? How did you overcome both the disappointment( if there was any?) and said problems?

4) What went right and what went wrong in the development and release of Tribes2? Post-mortems this far out might be silly but surely there are some insights that were gained.
What compels game designers to try and reinvent the wheel when they already have a successful product? Sometimes all the wheel needs is some new rims. :p

Look at the civilization series. One of the reason why it's successful is that it really doesn't change that drastically.

what made the designers think tribes with better graphics and a few changes wouldn't have been successful?
Did they want to strangle Sierra Online Support as much as I wanted to strangle Sierra Online Support for not doing a damn thing to help people get T2 running?
Where you guys held to a NDA when you were fired? Why and for what period of time?

Is there anything you'd like to get off your chests since the liquidation of dynamix besides answering the questions at hand?
I want to know, what the guys opinion of T:V was. Did they try it? Did they think it was a fun attempt? Or did it make them die a little inside.
Jislan said:
What compells game designers to try and reinvent the wheel when they already have a successful product? Sometimes all the wheel needs is some new rims. :p

Look at the civilization series. One of the reason why it's successful is that it really doesn't change that drastically.

what made the designers think tribes with better graphics and a few changes wouldn't have been successful?

A) Because the world is not static, and surely something that didn't make the cut the first time would work great the second time?

B) Civilization's basic gameplay is the same, but everything else around it has changed with each successive release. Religion was non-existant in Civ1, but plays a large role in Civ4.

Because back then, releasing better graphics and a few tweaks wasn't the huge moneymaking monster that it is now? Back then, men were men and rewrote graphics engines rather than seem like they were slacking off.
crouton said:
A) Because the world is not static, and surely something that didn't make the cut the first time would work great the second time?


crouton said:
B) Civilization's basic gameplay is the same, but everything else around it has changed with each successive release. Religion was non-existant in Civ1, but plays a large role in Civ4.

did you even play tribes? if you did, you'd know that the fucking gameplay completely changed too.

crouton said:
Because back then, releasing better graphics and a few tweaks wasn't the huge moneymaking monster that it is now? Back then, men were men and rewrote graphics engines rather than seem like they were slacking off.
