Got arrested yesterday

good fuck you redneck

dont go posting consistent rep messages about bashing my head in again for years

it goes beyond an angry one time not serious rep comment like "I'm gonna kill you fag" and into harassment when you repeatedly do it over and over and over and over and over ad nauseum

aside from that fuck the legal system it is stupid for everyone involved and does little good to anyone

edit also - you learned nothing from the multiple 40 page haha dare denthead got carjacked threads - you never win in fucked up Canada if you defend your property from the thieves - I too got arrested and had to do time for my own carjacking fresh out of a coma because I fought back against the carjacking in my own car . fuck the legal system.
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+++all the charges will probably get dropped because its alberta and they're easy on that sort of thing

also they do remote probation there so you don't get exposed to the jail/probation chemicals that you would here which shrink ur dick and make you not sleep and get fat all at the same time

i spent a week in prison this last June for stupid reasons and got the swat team called on me in the prison for being naked and yelling at the guards after a shower, throwing soap at them and shit. they brought in the riot shields and machinegun rubber bullet guns, and flashbang grenaded me before putting me in solitary.

prison is retarded and acab.
SC, I'm all for what you did and I would have done the same, but you need to know the rules of the game and how to play it.

I grew up 40 minutes from the nearest town of 2000 people in Canada. My home was robbed twice growing up. The cops always told us if we ever caught them in the act, to make sure we dragged their bodies back inside our home and explained that we feared for our lives. Can't shoot them in the backs etc...

You should have known better man. The cops and DA would've played along. As soon as you admitted on a recorded call you fucked yourself.
He definitely should've imagined killing them instead of imagining the situation he posted.
i talked to cops it ruined my life over shit that should have never even made it to court please listen to glytch

but its alberta - canada's texas - and they basically do castle doctrine out there and you should have kept your legs closed sexual assault law

i hope u guys r happy

this shit's going 2 wind up on canadian news and everybody's going 2 think we're racist b/c of wat they read itt
you cant defend your property on your property from thieves?
Not with any real level of force. Because it's "just property" man, and the scumfucking thief's life and well-being are clearly more important than your stuff.
serious question what is the point of killing a cow just for a tenderloin? i mean you can carry a lot more meat on your back than that and if you know how to find that it can't take that much longer to do a little more butchering. not that i expect bread thieves to be super logical but they obviously know it's risky to kill cattle
serious question what is the point of killing a cow just for a tenderloin? i mean you can carry a lot more meat on your back than that and if you know how to find that it can't take that much longer to do a little more butchering. not that i expect bread thieves to be super logical but they obviously know it's risky to kill cattle
Imaginary scenarios sometimes don't make sense.
of course it is

backstrap is best part of pigs and cows etc.

makes good jerky too

no shit julia child

as someone who comes from a place with such amenities as "roads" and "cable television", it just seems like a pain in the ass to drive out and kill a bunch of cattle just to leave 90% of the meat behind. i assume there is some factor i have not taken into consideration.

$20 bills on the sidewalk etc.