Ghostbusters 3

This surprises me not at all. They'll keep a tight budget and do an off-season release date. The backlash from the previous film likely revealed to the suits that there is an actual audience that would see it.
i hope the lady ghostbusters have 2 bail them out in the end (except winston, obviously winston will b the only one who is wise enuff to kno the ladies new style of ghostbusting is the wtg)
You guys don't know nothing.. this one is Ghostbuster's 3, Then end of whitey. It is going to sell trillions
My inner demon makes me want to see them remake Answer the Call shot for shot, beat for beat, line by line, only reverse all of the gender roles. I want to see if they go with "Wow we made a terribly unfunny film," or "Wow we made a terribly shallow and sexist film."
It was already made as that game on Xbox360 (?). This is just (((Hollywood))) trying to recoup from a financial disaster.
So much for that franchise they tried to setup with the last one (no more Slimer spin-off movie? Damn...). lol

Maybe they're going to go the Adam Sandler route and just make a movie with a small budget ($2million or something) that they know they'll at least make their money back on. :weird:
well, reboots were embarrassing and sad before menbusters, and reboots are still embarrassing and sad now, so this is kinda like double embarrassing and sad. not to mention half of them are dead and the rest are in their late 80s, if this wants to drag in the original cast. remember how pissed off billy murray was about having to show up for the last one? (actually the last two, it's well-known he hated ghostbusters 2 and didn't want to be there)

the women will be mad because this makes it transparent that they were used as a marketing ploy and sony's only interest is in the brand, not the films

from the makers of this year's spider-man 7: spider-man iii part 2 and spider-man 8: black spider-man part 1
I wouldn’t be surprised if Sony has tons of merch and cross promotional shit they still have stacked in warehouses after the last movie bombed. The business case for this movie is probably a lot better.
In my eyes they've already killed Ghostbusters the same as Star Wars and whatever. Honestly have no interest in the "brands" anymore. The original movies are classics and that's good enough. :weird:
didnt see the 2nd and wont be seeing the 3rd. ive learned that ignoring sequels that come out 10+ years after the original is the way to go.