[George Floyd] Body cam footage...

Yeah... but Roger Whitaker was within the acceptable statistical range for number of shootings proportional the relative size of his peticular demographic.

Police are ok to shoot a certain number of white people because the country is mostly white people... the problem is that they shoot way too many black people, and by too many, we mean 2 many.

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The DimoCraps have charged the officers with over-the-top crimes that will never stick... why?
I bet you'll figure it out after their acquittal.

How to start up Riot 2.0
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A reminder of the massive BullShit the Globalists have orchestrated to take over this country in their color revolution.

He was a fucking criminal that once robbed and beat a pregnant women while pointing a gun at her belly.
He died of a drug overdose and everyone should be happy.
A police officer was wrongfully convicted and is still in jail.


All to get this fucking controlled lowlife selected by the coup makers.


In what can only be described as a wildly offensive and out-of-touch display, Joe’s handlers lavished praise on a man infamous for sticking a loaded gun in a pregnant woman’s belly and threatening her life, all while his pals ransacked and robbed her home. No one who’s capable of that type of sickening violence deserves to be glorified or idolized. Period.
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Well in the video I saw, Floyd was lifeless over 3 minutes and he kept kneeling just not giving a fuck. I’d call it negligent homicide. I wouldn’t have called it 2nd degree murder. But that’s my opinion, I haven’t dissected every second of it like validuz.

Hey, you think people be happy with a white guy kneeling. Can’t please everyone