[gaming news] nvidia 4090

Yea cash burns easily and it largely non toxic except for those security strips and the lead based ink.
It can fit in my Fractal Torrent case.

I don't know how people are going to take their computers to a lan party. Mine weighs a lot because a 3090 needs a 1000W PS and the sides are glass.
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I went to a few lan parties
lugging a 21" MONITOR around
hahahaha i was strong back then
It can fit in my Fractal Torrent case.

I don't know how people are going to take their computers to a lan party. Mine weighs a lot because a 3090 needs a 1000W PS and the sides are glass.

You just brought back flashback hell of lugging my 21" CTR around to lans
Impressive Shazbot

seems like its actaully good....if you have a 4k monitor and cash to burn[/url]
Seems pretty amazing so far. Maybe there's finally a reason to swap to a 1440p monitor (4K is idiotic) while still maintaining good performance.

I could only see myself using 4K for a single player game, but since 2160 doesn't scale down to 1440, it's never going to be worth it.
4090 is overkill in 90% of games at 1440p. You'll be CPU bottlenecked in almost every game at max settings even with a 13900k which just released. A 4090 is really intended for 4k gaming or professional workloads.
4090 is overkill in 90% of games at 1440p. You'll be CPU bottlenecked in almost every game at max settings even with a 13900k which just released. A 4090 is really intended for 4k gaming or professional workloads.
The 1440p performance uptick is still easily worth it.

If I was in some weird CPU bottleneck that was causing stuttering or something, I'd simply lower my clock/power on the GPU by a tiny bit for that game.

From what I saw of the benchmarks, only one or two games tested were limited by the CPU (same performance between 1440 and 1080).