Game of Thrones Season 8

In the first scene, a child of the forest double-parks his weirwood tree.

Firstman Bob: Hey you can't park that weirwood there! Where will the grumpkins put their ladders, and the snarks put their canoes?

Child of the forest: I'm only going into that cave for a minute. I'll be right back!

(Firstman Bob writes a ticket, using his bronze quill. Child of the forest comes back out.)

Child of the forest: Hey, you wrote me a ticket! Let a brother off man!

Firstman Bob: Can't do it.

(child of the forest pulls out a blue icicle and stabs him in the chest.)

Firstman Bob: Hey, I've been turned to ice, into an immortal ice monster, and I have smokin' blue eyes.

Child of the forest: Yes, and you will remain so, ever cursed, until you are killed by this cool Damascus needle that Alex Steele made for me. Ooops! I dropped it in the grass!

Firstman Bob: Wow, that's like trying to find a needle in a haystack! Ha ha ha ha! No one can kill me now. I am immortal!

Child of the forest: Yes, no one can kill you now, you immortal monster. I will build an ice wall and put you behind it, and in 5000 years you will break free, and no one will be able to stop you!

Firstman Bob: Wow, that almost feels like foreshadowing. Like, really campy literal foreshadowing.

Child of the forest: Who you lookin' at Willis!
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this prequel is apparently 5k years before GoT

I feel like the time difference is irrelevant given that it's still going to be a feudalism fantasy setting. It's not like there's going to be technological differences. It's just an arbitrary date they picked so they can make references to why things don't exist, show things being built, or ruined things as fully functional.
Targarian 5000 years previous

well its 3000 years after the great houses were formed and the wall was built, and not long after the night's king fuk the zombie girl

its right around the time that valyria became an empire

and I'm pretty sure its exactly when the ruler of westeros was a black tranny muslim
I feel like the time difference is irrelevant given that it's still going to be a feudalism fantasy setting. It's not like there's going to be technological differences. It's just an arbitrary date they picked so they can make references to why things don't exist, show things being built, or ruined things as fully functional.


"oh hey member when jorah went to that place and got greyscale... well now its a normal city.. member?"
I can see them upping the Tech level for the wow factor. IT WAS A GOLDEN AGE but then dragons and night kingz came. I definitely can see the Children of the Forest being some druid celtic injun tree hugging hybrid and the white first men being evil deal going on.
"Claire Danes leads an all woman crimefighting team of Children of the Forest as they travel through pre-conquest Westros fighting evil magicians, undead sorcerers, and bringing woke-ness to the folk-ness."

Also stars Julia Styles and Kristen Dunst.
Surprise guest star Lens Dunham kills the evil man king subverting your expectations.

"Claire Danes leads an all woman crimefighting team of Children of the Forest as they travel through pre-conquest Westros fighting evil magicians, undead sorcerers, and bringing woke-ness to the folk-ness."

Also stars Julia Styles and Kristen Dunst.

fucking bullshit you cis white males only include white females

when will the MAN ever learn?
s8 kind of ruined my excite for other GOT spinoffs, im sure im not the only one... i hope HBO realizes this, and ya i sorta blame HBO for s8, cuz ultimately theyre in charge... not the 2 writers.
its been widely accepted that the series declined in quality after s4 but s8 was such a massive drop that even s7 looks fantastic by comparison
I think it's because Dorne sucks in the books too, so nobody really noticed S5 being terrible. Then they were distracted by the Battle of the Bastards.
It's not that it got bad of out of nowhere... a lot of people I know recognized a downward trend after season 4... it's just that it went right off a cliff in season 8 and exploded on impact in a fiery crater.

delayed a year. shortened season. production and editing flaws... and then on top of that... salt in the wound with bad writing, really bad ending...