Fool, since you appear to be the only moderator left...


Veteran XV
Are you really gonna tolerate the epic fuckwittery below, or are you just gonna hand back your moderator status?

I already know the answer.
As expected, then can you please appoint a proper moderator to ban you aswell. I would be happy to do it but no I wouldn't, fuck that shit.

kill yourself midxe
You spend more money on personal training than TW spends on hosting. Tell you what, you pay me $10k/yr and I will use some of it to bribe plasmatic and gryp to troll you less often.
You spend more money on personal training than TW spends on hosting. Tell you what, you pay me $10k/yr and I will use some of it to bribe plasmatic and gryp to troll you less often.

That's a strange way of saying "I am a moderator but I have no intention of actually moderating".
TW Rules said:

Interpretation and enforcement of the rules is up to the moderators and administrators of the site. This document is only a general guideline and not a definitive document of the actions taken by those left in charge of making sure the forum is running smoothly and within the boundaries of some semblence of taste ... not to mention the law. Don't try and rules lawyer an administrator based on what you think the rules should be or you will wind up with a pissed off administrator unsympathetic to your cause.

Reasonable explanations and apologies will of course be considered.


Spamming the forums with too many posts full of nonsense, repeated material or low content may be considered spam if the administrators deem the action disruptive to the flow of the thread at hand or the forum in question. Generally speaking, we are very laid back with what we consider spam, but if you start acting excessively malicious or disruptive, we will have to take action. Several other examples: Facebook style "if this thread gets X replies" and "rep train" threads are wholly unacceptable. Almost all parody threads are considered spam, especially if they are stupid. Constantly derailing threads with repetitive activity also falls within the realm of spam and suspension or bans can result accordingly due to severity.

1. Read "A Note on the Rules"
2. Read "Spam"
3. Decide if you would you like me to begin considering your constant ego derailments with Juggernaut as spam
1. Read "A Note on the Rules"
2. Read "Spam"
3. Decide if you would you like me to begin considering your constant ego derailments with Juggernaut as spam

I'm interested to know how Gryp remains untouchable.