[FireFall] New patch, more content

i wondered the same thing, looked over on reddit and apparently there is new content and they are in the process of wiping everything (or at least resources in your inventory) because they changed so much yet again

or something along those lines, i didn't really read through it all

also apparently they are releasing on steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/227700/
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so i posted on the steam forums in a non-troll way that basically "buyer beware" - do not purchase any of the packs until you actually play the game, as Red5 did things like remove PVP during beta with no signs of it returning.

yeah, they deleted my post.
Everyone on the bang bus!


The rape train is leaving the station.
Wasn't this the game that was initially supposed to be team-based competitive 3rd person shooter that just did a 180 and turned into some kind of freebie MMOish thing?
yeah....and apparently 'open world pvp' is coming into the game at some point, but that sounds terrible

its like the mmo crowd overpowered the fps crowd and forced red5 to turn this into some boring not-even-wow type game
I had a little bit of fun with the PvP. Jetball was bad. The class balance was bad. But if you played that assault class vs assault class 1v1 it had the sort of yo-yo dueling Legions had. Though not as good or as polished.

I couldn't get into the PvE. I thought it was terribly boring and redundant. Seeing Copacabana over and over made me sick. There wasn't a good enough movement system in the game (gliding was ok but only allowed in certain parts). The AI got annoying. It was never really fun to kill them like it should be. There's no way they're savaging this mess, especially with open world PvP which is just gonna suck dick.
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They revealed it at PAX 2010 as an open world MMOFPS. That's what I was mainly interested in. The PVP stuff didn't interest me at all, and I couldn't give a shit if got removed. Jetball just looked like Rokkitball or something. Open world PVP could be okay if it led to (useful) armies and base building and what-not. They showed a video of what they want in the future and it included base building, but I haven't seen anything about it since then (like a year or so ago). They implemented and removed so many 'game changers' that I just couldn't keep up with it anymore. Apparently they're removing weapon degradation, which is nice. But the whole crafting system got removed too I guess.

Been said tons before, but the project lacks leadership and direction.
Game got ruined by the idiot ex-ceo Mark Kern, pvp wasnt balanced but it was still fun, taking it out was so retarded.
pvp had potential to be insanely fun i thought.

firefall pve is perhaps the worst "pve" i have played in any mmo. I use the term 'pve' conservatively because there was almost no environment at all.

i have no idea how people find thumping for minerals and crafting fun (as that seemed to be the only thing you did in the game)
the thumping for minerals was the primary way of pve. progressively harder waves of enemies at the drop of a harvester...
There's no PvP in Firefall's open beta, but there used to be: Red 5 removed 5v5 arena combat last year. "We have gone through several [PvP] iterations, and for some time, pursued the controversial e-Sports route," wrote former Red 5 CEO Mark Kern to explain the decision. "As many of you know, it's not working very well."

Red 5 suspended PvP development with plans to "rethink it and relaunch it." A little under a year later—and under new leadership—it has developed the beginning of Scott Youngblood's "first" vision for Firefall PvP: a massive open-world resource and base capture war.

I didn't get to play it, but it sounds like the right move to me—why try to compete with Counter-Strike and Team Fortress 2 as an MMO designed for thousands of players? Instead of small arena matches, the opt-in PvP continent hosts several competing teams, and players can join on their own or in 'armies' of up to 100 players. The conflict is fueled by resource collection: in PvE zones, mining magically divides resources fairly and whisks them off to the bank, but in PvP, resources must be returned to a base and then picked up by an automated dropship. The dropship timer, Macauley tells me, is a catalyst for battles—overtake a base just before it arrives, and claim the resources for your team.

Another multiplayer shooter with PlanetSide 2's scale is at the top of my wishlist, so I'm pleased that Red 5 ditched the e-Sports angle. My main concern is the balance between player skill and character skill—too much focus on gear and stats will turn me off—but I'll absolutely give it a try. Massive-scale base capture with jetpacks from the designer of Tribes is hard to turn down.

Firefall finally leaving beta this month, adding open world PvP in its "biggest update ever" | PC Gamer
See, now that shit almost interests me. They're focus on eSports before having anything in place was doomed to fail, ala T:A.