[FireFall] New patch, more content

Firefall took 7 years to develop and cost more than $130 million.

This has to be the biggest MMO failure of all time. At least the other games that failed with major budgets had some period where lots of money came in. Firefall was utterly stillborn.
"Also, PvP has suffered as our focus has had to focus on the popular PvE part of our game."

really? That is the sentence the CEO chooses to use?

or should I say Chooses to choose....
This has to be the biggest MMO failure of all time. At least the other games that failed with major budgets had some period where lots of money came in. Firefall was utterly stillborn.

Is it even considered an MMO?

I'd have to imagine WildStar is giving this game a run for it's money in the over-budget/time department with nothing to show for it. ESO is another massive train-wreck, but because its main demographic is 'millions of retards with cash', it'll likely be able to pull a SW:TOR and end up just barely turning a profit after a few years.

There was that sci-fi game/show that must've been a financial disaster as well.
Kind of glad now I never bothered to pay much attention to this game in the past. When it first showed up on my radar it seemed like a 3rd-person team-based shooter. You know like any other team-based FPS games. Where the fuck did all that grinding, gear, etc. come from?!?
man this game is seriously shaping up to be one of the biggest video game financial disasters of all time. over $100 million to develop and an incredibly small player base?

i feel kinda bad for colosus
well, he's had a solid job for a couple of years and this was his break into the games industry. if red5 do go under, i'm sure he will land on his feet
I got into beta a long time ago and never played. I tried like 6 times but the server was always down.
I mean, is there any question that they won't go under at this point?

well it seems their Chinese investors have deep pockets. My only thought is that they think the game will be huge in China so keep supporting them.

I wonder what the breakdown of money spent is.....how much of the chinese peoples money, vs the money red5 had before they invested, etc

edit: they are "on air" right now http://www.twitch.tv/R5STUDIOS
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I played the pvp part of their game a long time ago, it wasn't good enough for me to even bother trying again. I have spent a decent amount of time playing the PVE side over the last year, it only works as something I casually play for a week or 2 then went for a patch or 2 to see the changes.

I had hoped their pvp would be good, the video showing the observer tools for broadcasters early on was impressive and showed they were serious about making pvp a major aspect of the game. I watched a jetball match a few weeks ago in game and liked the control over the views but the game itself was boring to watch so after messing with the observer options for 5 minutes I logged out.

Unfortunately the game looks like it will die out just like T:A but on a larger scale, their marketing was too aggressive in early stages where they lacked content and still have lots of bugs. Most people won't keep coming back waiting for the game to be improved.
The reason they are taking out PvP for now is probably due to aimbots, can't be a coincidence that they announced that right after a working aimbot was released and discovered.
Aimbots are pretty common in any fps, the CEO stated that 3% of the people that play firefall pvp. That is a bad number considering the time they have put into it and their attempts to make it a e-sport, they can't just tweak a few things and bring that number up to even 30%.
People don't PvP because there is no reward, it's pretty simple. The game is a MMO first, FPS second, people expect to be rewarded for the time spent in a MMO. Most people PvP in games like WoW for the gear, if they had added appropriate reward then a lot more would be PvPing.