fifth element > all other movies


the careful attention to detail in every set, top notch acting, etc. it's an excellently crafted scifi flick that doesn't take itself too serious.
I always feel a little bad that I like fifth element so much:)

You shouldn't. Luc Besson creates these stylized films that just pull you in and feel comfortable. You can pick out his films from a few minutes of watching.

The Big Blue
La Femme Nikkita
Leon: The Professional
Fifth Element
The Legend of 1900
The Messenger
The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc

but harrison says he doesn't think deckard is a replicant

so yeah

And? Harrison is the actor. Scott is the director. I'll go with what the director says as well as the clues that he included in the film. Who knows. Maybe Ford is just simply against the possibility that he was playing as android. Maybe Scott never brought that aspect of Deckard to Ford's attention simply to make sure that he played the character as human as possible.

Harrison Ford is not infallible. If you want proof, the very fact that he was actually involved in that Crystal Skull bullshit should be more than enough.
chief how do you conclude that someone asking for others to "comment on this film" is the equivalent of that same someone being "unable to find a review or the wikipedia page" of said film

idk falling in love with someone you've never met and only seen in a dream while you're in a costume with wings flying around mother earth doesn't seem like the strongest central plot point to me
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i saw brazil the other night for the first time and that shit made no sense + was retarded as fk


chief how do you conclude that someone asking for others to "comment on this film" is the equivalent of that same someone being "unable to find a review or the wikipedia page" of said film

Perhaps because you said it made no sense, and then appealed for help with the caps-lock down. You're not looking to understand the broad context of the film, you're looking for someone on TW to say they liked it so you can argue with them.