
what i don't get is that elizabeth warren obviously culturally appropriated native american culture to get ahead in her career, and vanster is still rooting for her.

and I'M the racist

That doesn't change the fact he is almost invisible to the mainstream press. It may be a conspiracy but it is working

Warren picked up 22 percent in the poll, which gives her a two-point edge over Biden. Further, 71 percent of those polled said they're at least considering Warren, the highest mark among the candidates.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) trailed Warren and Biden with 11 percent,
Prepare yourself for a repeat of 2016.. denied.

The DNC said Bernie can't be president so he can't be president
Same thing happened with Trump. Aka You might have a surprise..
I can be wrong, that's true, but that is what I believe it will happen. We'll see :p
lol bernie

If bernie were actually running for President and not scamming people he'd be using this as leverage against Biden right now.
do u think Bernie has already picked out his next house or will he wait until after the primaries
More like

"We appear to have a president that used funds designed to protect the security of the United States as a means to protect the United States"
The "dirt" they are talking about is that Team Trump may have uncovered the Democratic nominee using his political influence to threaten a foreign power into not investigating his son for a crime.

The hypocrisy of the double-standard is amazing for how obvious it is and yet people are acting like it doesn't exist.

What about that time someone used government funds to buy fake intelligence from a Russian agent to get dirt on their political opponent... or that time they deployed government resources to spy on said political opponent for "dirt".
lol bernie

If bernie were actually running for President and not scamming people he'd be using this as leverage against Biden right now.

No need for that. Biden is taking care of it himself. How amazing would it be if Trump were to be impeached and take Biden down to shit with him? :lol: