

Everyone knows Bezos owns Washington Post. And Bernie Sanders keeps on fucking with Bezos.

This ain't rocket science. It's literally 1+1=2.


This guy is fighting for your insignificant cockroach life, boy. Man, I'm loving all this Maga Elite dispair over Bernie's positions and attacks. The reeeee is real

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Yeah.. no shit. What is your point? Mine is the dems/left/faggots won't let him win so that pretty much seals his fate


Everyone knows Bezos owns Washington Post. And Bernie Sanders keeps on fucking with Bezos.

This ain't rocket science. It's literally 1+1=2.


This guy is fighting for your insignificant cockroach life, boy. Man, I'm loving all this Maga Elite dispair over Bernie's positions and attacks. The reeeee is real

Dems are banking on Biden and Warren. Bernie has no chance in a general election.. he splits the dem vote
time to show this
working man's
resume again

here ya go

Bernie looks and acts more like a guy that should be hosting a children's show..

no wonder absent and an00bis love him
Bernie Sanders Tells Union Worker: I’d ‘Absolutely’ Take Away Your Health Care Plan
Independent Vermont Senator and 2020 presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders told a worker in Iowa that he would “absolutely” take away his union’s right to bargain for health care plans Monday.

“Okay. All right, Somebody tell me why I’m crazy,” the Vermont politician said while interacting with a crowd in Iowa.
Sanders: “I want to be frank I don’t want to…oh I guess the guy could tell me why I’m crazy. All right, there’s a Cubs fan…”

Audience member: “Wouldn’t the Medicare health care plan … wouldn’t that take away our right to bargain for our — our medical benefits?”

Sanders: “Yeah, absolutely it would. It’s not a bad thing.”​
The senator, himself a millionaire, has also proposed that illegal immigrants be included in his “Medicare For All” plan.

“When I talk about health care being a human right, last time I heard that undocumented people are human beings as well,” he said in June.

However, there is one area that almost all Democrats agree on: the importance of giving government health care plans to illegal immigrants.

At a debate in June, all 10 Democrats on stage raised their hands when asked whether illegal immigrants would be included in their plans.