
no way dude he was a crypto socialist and he was elected by the communist rats who did and continue to literally put their hands in the pockets of hard working americans so they can burn the cash right in front of their eyes
Obama was elected strictly on his skin color.
This. 99% of blacks voted for him, and they had the white guilt vote.
Almost happened in the governor race for Florida the last election. Desantis won, over a corrupt Gilliam, but it came down to a recount, and the dems tried to fix that one as well. Scroll down to the governer part with it says Race. 93% of blacks voted for Gilliam.
2018 voter poll results: Florida - Washington Post

It wouldn't surprise me of Michelle Obama runs, now that would scare me. Black, woman, socialist, get Obama back in office, promise Obamacare 2.0.
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ITT ngfm and gandalf forget how much bush was despised after eight years of shit

fucking hell what an asshole... oh yea i would say that obama got elected in no small part due to his professed support for a public option - hope and change and shit outcomes for 2010 midterms and what not
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Ol’ Bernie will never get the dnc nomination. The next candidate will be a woman. Its their turn, doncha know.

So it will be harris or warren. I’m putting my money on warren, shes a minority too. Remember, its not what ancestry.com says, its what you feelz.
They probably should nominate Bernie. It satiates the progressives, gives them ammo to bash progressives when Bernie loses the general by a landslide, keeps Trump in office to use as a springboard to winning back more of the seats they've lost, and gives them an easy victory in 2024 with whatever corporate democrat they want in a change election year. Just force Bernie to pick a typical corporate dem VP in case he dies after a miraculous win.
TFW Trump shill Fool thinks BERN! would actually lose the general against Trump

Americans are overwhelmingly against socialism and Bernie couldn't win the popular vote against Hillary Clinton within the Democratic primary. He'd be lucky to crack 100 electoral votes.

Bernie is more popular with Republicans than Hillary was with Democrats. The old kike is by far the most popular politician in the US. Every working person who actually hears him talk loves his policies. He has Trump on every policy issue. Trump is the least popular President in history. The general would be a land slide all right. Just not the way you have convinced yourself.


Bernie is more popular with Republicans than Hillary was with Democrats. The old kike is by far the most popular politician in the US. Every working person who actually hears him talk loves his policies. He has Trump on every policy issue. Trump is the least popular President in history. The general would be a land slide all right. Just not the way you have convinced yourself.


will bernie come speak in the dallas motorcade pavilion?

Bernie is more popular with Republicans than Hillary was with Democrats. The old kike is by far the most popular politician in the US. Every working person who actually hears him talk loves his policies. He has Trump on every policy issue. Trump is the least popular President in history. The general would be a land slide all right. Just not the way you have convinced yourself.


All of which was true in 2016 where he lost a popular vote to Hillary Clinton anyway.