
I fucking hate Bernie Sanders and I hope he has a goddamned coronary on stage on his campaign tour and all of his idiotic lemmings see it and have a coronary themselves or commit suicide out of despondency.

And I'm not even kidding. :fu:
sounds like big government and big spending.
While also driving corporations away from the country.

Also might be time to elect someone under 70 for once ?
Too much of a Socialist. It's real easy to refute.

Trump is doing that right now talking about Venezuela. Everywhere Socialism has been tried, failed.

Countries: Cuba, Venezuela, Russia
States: New York, California

They run out of money and the people live like shit. Can't tax the people at 60%.
he'll get rekt and fast

first of all he's fucking 77 today and would take office at 79 and leave at 83, which, get serious. we already have a largely confused elderly man running the ship and he only survives by the fact that his presidency is based on and supported by sitting in front of the tv and watching the news. advanced age has a degenerative effect on the brain idiots!

especially because it's going to be a young primary for democrats, already the younger party by far, and he will be getting wheeled onto stage by three orderlies while aoc is up there snorting coke and fucking cory booker with a strap-on, not a good look

his absolute only advantage was being a fundamentally sane adult in a race against hillary clinton
mun hopn bernie fukkn dies real fukkn bad on live tv fuk bernie restinpiss u old wyte trash fukkn pussy smdh lol :jester:
It doesn't matter who the dems nominate. They're all campaigning on "Stop Trump" and socialist policies. It's a contest to see who can promise the most free stuff. Trump wants Bernie, saying he got screwed in the primaries (which he did).
remember how the 2012 gop platform was based on how obama was a socialist and he had destroyed the country and probably already sold your house to china

the democrats should look up how that worked out before going all in on trump is a fascist and he has destroyed the country and probably already sold your house to russia