Family Guy 7/17

people don't hate the new episodes as much as it sounds. but the best of this season aren't nearly as good as the best of the old seasons.

i think everyone is terrified of it becoming like the simpsons and are trying to prevent this with their armchair critiques. also, everyone wanted too much because the last season of south park was lackluster and they need their fix of new, brilliant animated comedies.

the writers are definitely still exploring and taking risks -- seeing what people do and don't want from the new ones -- it's just that some new things aren't as "witty" as they've been in the past. some new efforts have been hilarious (i liked the teacher episode) and some have relied too heavily on certain elements, like pop culture and "over-the-top" jokes (i don't know why this has become a trend in shows like this), and haven't been.

i'm looking forward to see what they try in the last five, but i'm convinced the next season will be substantially better.
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I thought last night's epidsode was pretty good. The Brian in dress up with a bit out of character but otherwise alot of good jokes and references. Generally I find the show is hit or miss and while it may not be as good as the first season it's still very entertaining.

However, Seth on Opie and Anothony a while ago and he seems to not be very excited about the whole thing. He is probably going to save the best jokes for his new show, which IMO isn't very good. I've seen 3 or 4 episodes and only 1 was good.
i'm pleased with the quality of the new season. most of the new eps are on par with those from seasons 2&3 IMO, and even the "bad" ones still have at least 2-3 hilarious moments in them.

to all you haters: would you rather still have it off the air? anything from Seth is better than his being cancelled.

why are the dishes floating (around 17:01 into episode)
Because someone probably fucked up the overlays.
Considering how the animation is done it's surprising there aren't more screw ups.