Family Guy 7/17

"No one messes with Adam We!"

This was one of the best eps of the new season. The only weak episode so far has been "Don't Make Me Over". You people need to chill.
Kestrel said:
The episodes are as funny as ever
I really don't get how people can say it's not as funny, unless they have a natural predisposition to hate stuff that's new (which actually wouldn't be much of a surprise)

Kestrel is 100% correct.

It is 'cool' to hate stuff that used to be 'underground' and then goes mainstream. The original airings of Family Guy went unnoticed. The show didn't start gaining a following until they started showing it on CC. Now it is back on 'the network'.

yeah it's "cool" to point out that it's "cool" to hate something just because it's popular


the quality difference between these episodes and seasons 1-3 is quite noticeable, stop being faggot fanboys. And Family Guy has always been popular, otherwise they would have never put it back on air. Fucking fanboys.
I think this new season has been as good or better than any of the previous ones

Stewie and Peter are the best characters so they SHOULD get more focus
fuck new family guy haters.. season 4 has been amazing and u all know it..
there are differences from season to season in FG (ex. season 2-3 had A LOT of breaking out singing and dancing in the episodes... where as season 1 had like one time) and the new season is no different. get used to the change sluts.
I agree, this season has been quite good. Last nights episode was probably my second favorite, or maybe even my favorite of the new season. Absolutely hilarious.

"He's Quagmire!"
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Project2501 said:
I agree, this season has been quite good. Last nights episode was probably my second favorite, or maybe even my favorite of the new season. Absolutely hilarious.

"He's Quagmire!"

which I originally felt was rip from Simpsons, but then I convinced myslef it was an homage...

I feel the new season is good, lots of historical pop culture stuff, but I find that funny...
everytime I read these threads, it's the same shit, "omg family guy this week was meh/sucked/blew/whatever" then I go through it and several people find several different things funny about the ep?

I don't fucking get it. If you don't like the show anymore don't watch it. Otherwise stfu and write something better you spoiled shits. It's not like you have to pay money to see an ep on tv.
Special---K said:
Stewie and Peter are the best characters so they SHOULD get more focus

I agree, but if you havn't noticed they have actually changed their characters quite a bit. Watch an epsiode from the first 3 seaons, then watch any season 4 episode. Somewhat peter, but mostly stewie has completely changed, he's not hte same person.

The characters used to be clever, but now they rely on overly-offensive jokes, and popculture references which aren't really apart from the fact that we recognize where they are from.
Watch the Family Guy DVD commentary. Stewies shift away from homicidal maniac started during season 3. The creators thought it was getting old and decided to start experimenting with his character a little bit.
stewie definately was getting old, and needed a change. the writing just doesn't seem as good anymore.
homicida stewie was WAY old

I'm glad the writers are smart enough to realize when something needs a change

the same way the SImpsons started moving away from family focused things to society satires after like the 3rd got a lot better
Durak said:

yeah it's "cool" to point out that it's "cool" to hate something just because it's popular


the quality difference between these episodes and seasons 1-3 is quite noticeable, stop being faggot fanboys. And Family Guy has always been popular, otherwise they would have never put it back on air. Fucking fanboys.

It got CANCELLED by Fox for low ratings, ergo it has not always been 'popular'.

That being said, it is 'cool' to point out that it is 'cool' to point out that it's 'cool' to hate something just because it is popular.