faggot dogs that need thundershirts

so these thundershirts somehow make the dogs feel ok during thunderstorms?

I think they just get rid of static, the air when there is a thunderstorm makes the pets get all static filled and it freaks them out or something.

Storm Defender for Dogs Afraid of Thunderstorms
You might have noticed that your dog can sense that a storm is coming even before you can. This is because dogs can sense the static electricity that builds before a thunderstorm. This static charge, if it gets big enough, is what produces destructive lightning. Dogs instinctively sense that impending lightning, feel fear and wish to seek shelter. It is their "early warning" system for lightning and a built in safety mechanism. However, in our homes, the poor dog's fear (sometimes more like a phobia) is no help during thunderstorms. Some dogs are extremely excited or even panicked during storms and are impossible to console.
so these thundershirts somehow make the dogs feel ok during thunderstorms?

from what i read about it its got something to do with the pressure. Thundershirts have are a bit heavy and tighten up on the dog and it applies pressure. Somehow this makes them feel more comfortable and apparently somehow does the same for autistic children.

shits infuriating



how to protect your dog from thunder


in the commercial for it they were like "at first, your fucking dog will hate this shit and try to tear it to shreds, but eventually it will accept it and be unable to live without it!"

yeah lemme buy fuckin 6
Seems like someone is making a lot of money from retards again.

Inb4 "it's the guy who said he'd look after all your pets after the rapture"
my dog hates anything that creates an air pressure shockwaves

thunderstorms and air brakes on garbage trucks/school buses are his #1 and #2 enemies respectively

we were out of the house a couple of weeks ago when an unexpected storm rolled through and we had left the back door open for him to go outside. when we got home, he was absolutely drenched and barked himself hoarse trying to fend off the storm. he's not scared, he wants to kill it
i never understood this product... i just dont get how they work.

They suppress the build-up of static electricity on the dog, which in turn suppresses the dog's instinct to seek shelter from lightning.

In theory anyway.
They suppress the build-up of static electricity on the dog, which in turn suppresses the dog's instinct to seek shelter from lightning.

In theory anyway.

yea i heard it all before but it still sounds dumb and like some bullshit to me.

my mother inlaw is a vet and i asked her about these a few years back when they ran the infomercials.

she says they do seem to actually work... something about making the dogs feel hugged or some shit :lol: i dont really know but FFS none of my dogs will be gun/firework/lightning shy
Yeah it's probably easier to just have a dog who isn't a scared little shit.