Easter Sunday Joy Lane Massacre

flawed programming in the matrix
Yep, the behavior is the same. After someone murders, they feel remorseful, don't want to go to prison, because they know it's a terrible place. So they run until the cops show up, then turn the gun on them self. Hopefully the gun doesn't jam and he has bullets in it.

If you remember, the terrorist who shot people at Fort Lauderdale International (FLL) ran out of bullets, but then surrendered without a fight. Otherwise he would have killed himself. People act so crazy that I can only explain it as flawed programming.

At least this guy didn't bring the race card into it. In fact, he blamed his last wife saying she made him go crazy spending all his money, that she made him start a gambling problem. He even threw his mother under the bus saying she was bad for creating the monster. How else can you explain this crap?
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I'm pretty amazed how little news I've seen about this. I mean maybe it been a big deal on cable news but I didn't really see it pop up on Reddit at all.
I'm pretty amazed how little news I've seen about this. I mean maybe it been a big deal on cable news but I didn't really see it pop up on Reddit at all.
True. It's because he only blew away one old man, which is sad, but it was done live on FB. It happened over the weekend. More people died in Chicago than the one in Cleveland. It's at the top of most news sites now, especially since he's still out there hiding.

50K reward now.

You really have to ask, besides the murder being on FB, it's no different from what happens in Chicago. So why isn't there the same man hunt and rewards for the Chicago murders? It's the same shit when you get down to it. Only difference is this guy confessed on FB, is running, and is still at large.
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they doing what they can not to call this guy black


or let him get caught


dark white skin........LOL
uhhhh u ever heard of checkin the pixels

still funny tho

also wtf is with the giant black bars on that ps? did someone not know how to change canvas size?

i just thought it was a bad phone picture

like those horrible people playing video back on their phone of live tv events because they think this will somehow stop youtube from taking it down

u prolly know what i am talking about

as for this......yeah it still likely faked


fox8news on Twitter:

i will trust the source who reported it

people making jokes about real fake being flipped i apparently missed the nuances of after further investigation

my bad
Yea they are reporting this guy is possibly here in Indiana by reports but I haven't heard one news broadcast call him black and they keep saying he is 6'1 230 and that dude is WAY over 230! It's like they don't wanna find him