Do you haggle on price

jesus christ

people like you are why i use the self checkout line if i have to go to the store

:lol: You probably think that's the way I am. Dork. There is a time and place for everything. If I am buying 3 suits then I'm getting a discount. If my wife is buying clothes and whatever the fuck and she is buying quite a bit from the same store.. I'm asking for a discount.

Thing is there is still enough people that is doesn't surprise them asking for a discount, they always say they are surprised more people don't.

Of course if you associated my comments as buying clothes from walmart then I can see your confusion. Some people don't shop at Walmart as a source for clothes. Shocking to you isn't it?
It's a feed store. You ever been to a feed store IFA or COOP? It's not like I'm being a jew. I just say yo Jerry, I got 150 bucks worth of pet food, what can you do? 15% off. It really is that simple.
cael has no spine, he doesn't understand. he is just happy to be paying sticker price.
If I'm actually in a store (which I hardly ever bother with nowadays), I might say something like "When does this store usually have sales?". I think that line establishes very clearly that I'm interested in buying, but also willing to wait.

But stores have learned how to deal with this very efficiently. They always respond with "You can get 20% off right now if you apply for our store credit card!"
i work for a residential developer. i haggle over the price of fucking everything i buy, and as soon as you give in i hang up
In business I haggle everything. It's a good practice and it makes you look good.

Outside of that I rarely haggle unless it's expected. In this area a lot of people haggle because they get some kind of passive aggressive thrill out of it, not really because they want to save money.

I went with someone to a swap meet and started haggling a bunch of things just because it's expected in that environment. Not a deal to be found. Of course me being the only white person in the stinking, greasy, undisciplined hordes of brown people had something to do with it.
If I am buying a few million worth of capital equipment for a new project I will ask for a discount.

If I buy a couple of fishing rods at a time I'll ask for a discount.

If I'm buying something in bulk or multiple items I will ask for a bundle deal or discount.

If I'm in a third world country buying ripoff t shirts I'll ask for a discount

If I'm in a third world country buying something to fuck or a handjob then I will ask for a discount.

Otherwise no - I don't ask at the grocery store.
im sorry i assumed if u were haggling over pet food u probably haggle over everything

i was talking with this lady at kohls and she told me how she asks if she can have a discount if she offers to write a stellar review online for them. She claims it works about 50% of the time with almost always working for small business.

Some people just have balls i guess.
Good idea on pet food. I spend way too much on that. Cat litter is also massively over priced for something that is just going to get pooped on.
Dog food is really over priced. When i got my new dog, i was buying some really good food for him that doesn't come from China and was shocked at how expensive it was.

I then began to look at making my dog his food and started feeding him chicken breasts. I do keep good crunchy dry dog food in his bowel throughout the day but at dinner time, when he eats with me, he eats 1 chicken breast a night. Its actually less expensive then the 'good' dog food but then again, he is only 25lbs.
Dog food is really over priced. When i got my new dog, i was buying some really good food for him that doesn't come from China and was shocked at how expensive it was.

I then began to look at making my dog his food and started feeding him chicken breasts. I do keep good crunchy dry dog food in his bowel throughout the day but at dinner time, when he eats with me, he eats 1 chicken breast a night. Its actually less expensive then the 'good' dog food but then again, he is only 25lbs.

Depending on the size of your dog and the makeup of the dry food there's a good chance the dog is getting too much protein. Might be cheaper just to fill it out with rice. Should be pretty easy to look up though.
We were talking about it in the office today which is what prompted the thread. Indian dude was trying to haggle work comp insurance rates and we're like yeah no pay us what it says. When I worked retail for Best Buy it was always the Indian guys trying to talk down a TV or iPhone. From an American point of view it seems odd.

Its a cultural thing. I worked customer facing retail and the indians will not be happy unless "they get good deal". I think they feel like less of a man if they can't get a discount or something.

We would just quote them 10% more and then give them 10% off so they felt like they got a good deal, it didn't matter if it actually was or not
So many Beta's too scared to haggle.

I think it's more like people who have weird control issues trying to fancy it up as being alpha.

Standing up for yourself is alpha. Becoming emotionally involved over negotiating small purchases just makes you a petty bitch.

Haggling is fine, but it attracts people who have issues. Same thing goes for debate. People who make a hobby of it usually have few friends, none of them close, and have gone through a few divorces.
Reggs is right. It is very situational and of course I don't haggle at grocery stores. Like everything people go way to far. I am not that person either. ArakAtak has the idea right also.

If you ask the worse thing you will hear in return is No. Then you politely leave or pay the asking price. If it is yes, well that is actually cash in your pocket. Who here has a ton of extra cash? Does 10% here and 15% there add up? Isn't that how you get wealthy by saving money every chance you get?
Dog food is really over priced. When i got my new dog, i was buying some really good food for him that doesn't come from China and was shocked at how expensive it was.

I then began to look at making my dog his food and started feeding him chicken breasts. I do keep good crunchy dry dog food in his bowel throughout the day but at dinner time, when he eats with me, he eats 1 chicken breast a night. Its actually less expensive then the 'good' dog food but then again, he is only 25lbs.

I have a beagle/walking garbage disposal unit and a jack russell plus 2 cats. After going through ingredients I switched to science diet and the beagle is back to healthy weight. I also think that it is good to have another source of food so I did the same as you. I balked at the price and ingredients of wet food at the store and decided to make my own.

Sunday dinner in my house is always a roast. I like it that way and so it isn't a big deal to throw chicken and carrots and basically all veggies appropriate in a crockpot and make enough for the week. I nuke it a little to take the chill off and feed all the animals that in the evenings. They love it. The clean the bowls including veggies. Even the cats. I of course give them edible bites sizes.
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you can't really haggle over prices much anymore here in america, but down in mexico in the marketplaces you can. i talked a guy down in mexico to 10 us dollars for a bad ass chess board with hand carved onyx stone pieces. he was asking for 40.
I think these people who are haggling all the time lose it somewhere else (Karma). If you ask for a legitimate discount every now and then fine. I like the example of these people having issues (no friends, divorce).

I think it starts in high school with these people, the ones who bum everything and never pay it back.