Dexter Season 7 [official]

I am really confused about the credit card thing. So, the intern cancelled all of Dexter's cards, and Dexter now knows they have been cancelled, but he showed/expressed exactly ZERO concern about that. He just moves to Plan B and uses cash, but shouldn't he have at least suspected that Deb figured him out and she/the police had his accounts frozen to prevent him from running?
I believe this part was a detail included to make the viewer believe that Dex was actually running, after the reveal last season when Deb saw him kill Doomsday. Without knowing the events leading up to, viz that he was trying to find the airport mobster and that the nerdy guy had actually cancelled the cards... it instead makes you assume, the cops/Deb had the cards cancelled and it's screwing up his plans to run.
i dont understand that part. dexter wouldnt normally kill people like him, he has no evidence that louis has killed.
i thought he had only killed people in self defense previously... and one person he killed was innocent
This show jumped the shark when they killed Rita off. Yeah, that family drama was getting exceedingly boring - we're here to watch a serial killer, not baby daddy - but icing her was the wrong move. I really lost interest in the series at that point. I've been watching but... it's been shit. It has had a lot of good moments like Trinity slicing that girl in the bathtub or Dexter cutting a throat with a power saw but it's also had a lot of completely pointless stuff like Dexter taking that stupid fucking Harrison thing to a pageant.
ok after reading spoilers for last episode, i know i'll need to be ready to jerk off uncontrollably at the final scene when i watch it after work tonight.
the whole laguerta bay harbor storyline is superfluous though, with all the other shit going on. it will probablh be resolved in rtard way
I think laguerta will find out and Miranda Lawson will kill her to protect dexter, getting caught in the process and breaking Dexter's heart as she is hauled away to prison for life
that other serial killer bitch must read game of thrones cuz she stole a trick right out of arya stark's book with her most recent murder.