dear republicans

Earlier people were saying he was an expert on the BBC because he lived in the UK, and an American couldn't possibly know more than he did on that particular subject.
So tell me, does the same logic hold for American politics? or, as usual, is your logic a one use only deal?

I'm no 'expert' on the BBC, but I am rather well clued up on it, being in media and actually british

I also happen to idle my TV on BBC news, where they reported the findings of the committe in question themselves
i dont like bill, hes a moralist preachy faggot.

im under no illusions about the "balance" of fox news but its fucking laughable if you think you're doing any better watching cnn/msnbc.

But the hottie on Fox disagrees

I'd still hit it.
Fox News gets the daily talking points directly from the white house. At least they used to over the past 7 years.
It's fact.
Can't say the same about the other networks.
Fox News gets the daily talking points directly from the white house. At least they used to over the past 7 years.
It's fact.
Can't say the same about the other networks.

Love it when people claim something is a "fact" out of thin air.

So liberal news organizations get their talking points directly out of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid's cock gobbling mouths. It's a fact. Seriously.
Yeah, Jon Stewart too, that guy is 100% fair and balanced. I find that the Daily Show is the best source of news and information on TV personally.

Sadly many people think The Daily Show is real news.

I recently had a girl explain to me that Ron Paul was socialist, so she would not be voting for him. She supports "more government control to keep people inline", not socialism.

...thought maybe I should take a greater interest politics.
Conservatives have Fox News.

Liberals have CNN, MSNBC, CBS.

Not to mention most famous musicians rant and rave liberal crap and their fans eat it up, not to mention actors and Hollywood, not to mention NPR, APT, and NETA.

Take the "Fox = Conservative zomg" shit and shove it.
I watch PBS and listen to NPR for news. I find they're pretty balanced imo.

Yeah but they don't YELL. What the fuck kind of news show, in TWO THOUSAND AND FUCKING EIGHT IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD. . .DOESN'T YELL?

If they don't yell, it's not news.
Love it when people claim something is a "fact" out of thin air.

It was just in July, dude, how do you not know this? Want to see the video?

McClellan: White House gave FOX commentators talking points Crooks and Liars Media

Matthews: "Did you see FOX television as a tool when you were in the White House? As a useful avenue to get your message out?"

McClellan: "I make a distinction between the journalists and the commentators. Certainly there were commentators and other, pundits at FOX News, that were useful to the White House." [...] That was something we at the White House, yes, were doing, getting them talking points and making sure they knew where we were coming from.

Matthews: "So you were using these commentators as your spokespeople."

McClellan: "Well, certainly."

stfd son