dear republicans


Veteran X
do you actually watch Fox News and think its "fair and balanced"? If so, do you praise Bill O'Reilly?

i dont like bill, hes a moralist preachy faggot.

im under no illusions about the "balance" of fox news but its fucking laughable if you think you're doing any better watching cnn/msnbc.
do you actually watch Fox News and think its "fair and balanced"? If so, do you praise Bill O'Reilly?

Dear Liberals,
Do you watch every other shitty new station besides Fox and think its "fair and balanced"? If so, are you a drooling retard?
This is hilarious... watch this Fox bitch lose her marbles when an Obama spokesman calls them out on their agenda.

1. claiming Fox is fair & balanced when they spend 24/7 pushing distortions and making up bullshit sensationalist scandals

2. freaking out about how the Obama campaign dares criticize them

3. getting caught making political tirades and then blaming the guest
I honestly can't see how the average american watches so much television. There are a couple of shows I really like, and if I find them on, I watch them.

but I'm not going to just sit there and listen to shitty drama or drivel for 4 hours because I'm bored. The news is no exception. How can people stand it?
I honestly can't see how the average american watches so much television. There are a couple of shows I really like, and if I find them on, I watch them.

but I'm not going to just sit there and listen to shitty drama or drivel for 4 hours because I'm bored. The news is no exception. How can people stand it?

I don't watch it either, I just keep seeing these crazy youtube clips pop up, so I had to ask.
If you honestly think that a non-biased cable news network exist you are a awfully confused.
At least fox has democrats on tv. When is the last time olbermann had a republican guest?

Triple's formulaic "but clinton" defense. :lol:

By the way... you never REALLY answered my question about why you live Palin so much and what makers her a "hardcore conservative" in a way that you support. I've been asking you for like 4 weeks now and you keep pretending to answer... but you keep dodging it.

You hate Mccain.

You've given no reason why you support Palin or this ticket... except to basically say it's anti-Obama.
I'd consider myself more of a moderate, but I think that Fox is more balanced than CNN or MSNBC. Though admittedly I don't want TV very often anymore.
I don't generally watch Fox. Sometimes I do turn it in. As the anchor indicated in the clip, every reasonable study has shown that Americans find Fox far less biased than their competitors.

It is a matter of proportion, Fox does come in slightly right of centerpoint, but in contrast to MSNBC or the broadcast networks which are dramatically to the left, they can only appear right in comparison. In the fairest possible assessment, Fox is the most balanced of the available cable outlets, but yes they look pretty rightist compared to the unabashedly left leaning MSNBC.
I'd consider myself more of a moderate, but I think that Fox is more balanced than CNN or MSNBC. Though admittedly I don't want TV very often anymore.

I barely watch cable news at all. I dont have cable.

My impression is that post-9/11, there are actually more obnoxious pro-GOP types on both CNN and MSNBC than Fox itself. That Joe Scarwhatever guy is way more obnoxious than O'Reilley.

Folks like triple cry about Olbermann, but that guy wears his bias on his chest. He doesn't hide that he's making COMMENTARY and editorializing, whereas these GOP talking heads pretend they are being independent journalists as they just spew the RNC talking points day in and day out.

There is nothing wrong with editorializing or biased commentary.

Some of the most informative and important stuff comes from the opinion pages per se, but Fox mixes it up non-stop in their news coverage more than anybody else.

However, Fox also loves polemics so they focus on real politics a lot more and are very good at PRETENDING they are showing "both sides." They basically make up the issues of the day... frame them on GOP terms... and then bring in "liberals" to share "their side."

Fox DEFINES the issues of the day based on an agenda. They are glorified Drudge, a propaganda tool.

It's disgraceful.

2 weeks talking about Bill Ayers... it doesnt matter if they are showing "both sides."

It's bullshit entirely.
I don't generally watch Fox. Sometimes I do turn it in. As the anchor indicated in the clip, every reasonable study has shown that Americans find Fox far less biased than their competitors.

It is a matter of proportion, Fox does come in slightly right of centerpoint, but in contrast to MSNBC or the broadcast networks which are dramatically to the left, they can only appear right in comparison. In the fairest possible assessment, Fox is the most balanced of the available cable outlets, but yes they look pretty rightist compared to the unabashedly left leaning MSNBC.


no its not

FOXnews is a fucking national joke over here in blighty, considered great post-pub viewing