Dear Climate Change Deniers

You are saying CO2 is harmless, because it is used by plants for respiration. Sure it isn't as locally dangerous as something like NOx, but there aren't unlimited sources of carbon sinks in the world. To think that there isn't some level of CO2 that would be harmful to human life is rather silly.

straw man argument.
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on a slight tangent

i honestly dont get how/why icfire manages to still post here

old stubborn ppl are just the fucking worst :{
CO2 is not used in cellular respiration, it's one of the end-products. CO2 is used in photosynthesis.
Yes, you do seem to be acting like him. I appreciate your self awareness.

Thats pretty comical coming from the guy that seems to want to actually discuss the matter, but then can't help but change the subject in order to win a argument that no one has ever made.

This is so incredibly typical for people that support global alarmism. When presented with facts they attack the poster, the website, or an argument they have to prop up themselves in order to defeat.

I'm gonna start calling you ICFire Jr.
Thats pretty comical coming from the guy that seems to want to actually discuss the matter, but then can't help but change the subject in order to win a argument that no one has ever made.

This is so incredibly typical for people that support global alarmism. When presented with facts they attack the poster, the website, or an argument they have to prop up themselves in order to defeat.

I'm gonna start calling you ICFire Jr.


I am simply asking you why you think CO2 isn't a pollutant or potentially hazardous, and what standard you are basing that on.
Thats pretty comical coming from the guy that seems to want to actually discuss the matter, but then can't help but change the subject in order to win a argument that no one has ever made.

this is awfully close to icfire level gibberish

I am simply asking you why you think CO2 isn't a pollutant or potentially hazardous, and what standard you are basing that on.

The earth has experienced levels of CO2 that far exceed anything we're possible of pumping into the atmosphere if we changed nothing.

Let me know what part of a doubling of CO2 from current levels is scary to you.