Dear Climate Change Deniers

seriously though, i've driven down to big shell (padre island national seashore) when it was endless amounts of trash for 40-50 miles, from dunes to water. it's fucking sad


the annual beach cleanup last year had 500+ people with trailers and 4x4s and they picked up over 800,000 lbs of trash in a 9 mile stretch.

but let's worry about .2 degrees per century.
Ozone is essential to life on planet Earth, but also one of the main contributors to smog. So you don't think it is a pollutant?

Beyond your stated opinion that CO2 isn't a pollutant you haven't said why it isn't beyond referencing photosynthesis.

According to your train of thought, every single trace gas on the planet could be labeled a pollutant.
According to your train of thought, every single trace gas on the planet could be labeled a pollutant.

No, that isn't where I was going, and jumping from Ozones proven contributions to smog and saying every trace gas is a pollutant is a rather rash leap that I didn't imply, and here you accuse me of straw men. I was simply asking you where you draw the line and why when it comes to what is and isn't a pollutant.
No, that isn't where I was going, and jumping from Ozones proven contributions to smog and saying every trace gas is a pollutant is a rather rash leap that I didn't imply, and here you accuse me of straw men. I was simply asking you where you draw the line and why when it comes to what is and isn't a pollutant.

is 400ppm of CO2 a pollutant? No

is 800ppm of CO2 a pollutant? No

Is any of this on topic? No
Some pretty hefty allegations about the WH and the current administration.

Obama doubled down on coal, oil, and fracking, while allowing renewable energy investments to fall. But the most disturbing part of the story is that Obama and his officials have been working in secret to weaken environmental standards that his administration has been patting themselves on the back for in public.

Obama Administration Secretly Weakening EPA Rules | DeSmogBlog
seriously though, i've driven down to big shell (padre island national seashore) when it was endless amounts of trash for 40-50 miles, from dunes to water. it's fucking sad


the annual beach cleanup last year had 500+ people with trailers and 4x4s and they picked up over 800,000 lbs of trash in a 9 mile stretch.

but let's worry about .2 degrees per century.
This is worrisome to me.