

What are your dealbreakers, as far as dating a person goes? These are things that, without considering the person's other qualities, how good they look, whether or not you have children with them, or if they have the power to end their life, offend you to see a person do so much that you can no longer see yourself with them.

Mine include STDs, mechanical bull riding, attendance at a dan brown book signing, straightedgedness, or a first date at the olive garden.
not smoking, not being fat, not being a materialistic bitch, not being a generic bitch, not being a down right whore, not having aids/hiv/std's yes i want all those characteristics.
too tall, too fat, too religious, STD, paralysis, missing limbs, mutations, etc

the only personality thing is the overly spiritual/religious types drive me away.
too religious, picky eater, smokes (cigs), drinks too much, unintelligent (see first dealbreaker for more info), doesnt like animals, wanting to only live in the US of A, and maybe monolingualism (unless she were intelligent and willing and able to pick up other languages)
Guess my left foot is out. :( I only have it on one foot... wtf?!
You could fool me. Take off that right shoe and I think everything is gravy. Then that left foot comes out and I kick you out of my house. ;)