D&D Thread II


You're walking, once again down the same dirt road, heading toward Ashabenford. Years of wagon wheels rolling up and down this highway have left two narrow strips of ground hardened and bare with a stripe of tall grass running down the center, the vegetation along it's sides threatening to conceal that a road there even exists.

The hours roll along as your mind is occupied with the thoughts of your earlier encounter burning into your memory. It's crazy to finally see, with your own eyes, a creature that you had only heard tales of, just day's before.

The descent of the sun seems to quicken as it approaches the horizon. Just as you are beginning to consider finding a secluded gully, off of this beaten path, to make camp, you hear the whinny of a horse behind you.

About a hundred paces behind you, you see a horse coming in your direction carrying a cloaked rider. It is clear that he has seen you, he must have been within view of you for the last 15 to 20 minutes.

What do you do?

I would like to make a perception check (+3) do I recognize the horse or the rider as anyone I have interacted with before?

I sit cross legged on the ground and meditate on readiness while I wait for the rider to reach me.

Perception DC10: 1D20(9) + 3 = 12 - success

As the man rides closer, you realize that his face is familiar to you. Last week, while you were in Hillsfar, he was someone you'd seen repeatedly around the bounty board. As he comes closer, both hands on the reigns of his horse, you can see that he has a longsword partially concealed under his dark green cloak and there is a crossbow slung across his back. A bola, with 3 heavy lead weights is loosely tied around the horn of his saddle.

Looking down at you from his mount, as he rides up to where you sit by the road, he then stops.

bounty hunter said:
Is this how a monk makes camp?

He nods toward the forest behind you.

bounty hunter said:
I'm going back there somewhere where a fire won't be noticed from the road. Join me if you like or don't if you don't.

He dismounts from his horse and then begins to lead it between the trees.

What do you do?
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You return to the Lion's Pride. The two drunkards you'd seen earlier are still there, but the halfling on the other bench is gone.

You inquire within about coaches heading out of town.

Man tending bar said:
A couple coaches arrive and a couple leave every day from the stable across the street, they go back and forth, south of here, to Arabel. If you are traveling north or east, there are stables on those sides of town who handle that business.

Is there anything else I can help you with? How about a drink?

During your foray to the market square, you developed a thirst. Subconsciously, you feel for your coin purse, wondering how much a good mug of ale might cost. That is when you notice that the sack on your belt is flatter than a eunuch's bean bag.

what do you do?
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Perception DC10: 1D20(9) + 3 = 12 - success

As the man rides closer you realize that his face is familiar to you. Last week when you were in Hillsfar, he was someone you'd seen repeatedly around the bounty board. As he comes closer, both hands on the reigns of his horse, you can see that he has a longsword partially concealed under his dark green cloak and there is a crossbow slung across his back. A bola, with 3 heavy lead weights is loosely tied around the horn of his saddle.

Looking down at you from his mount, as he rides up to where you sit by the road, he then stops.

He nobs toward the forest behind you.

He dismounts from his horse and then begins to lead it between the trees.

What do you do?

I stand and follow.

"I was simply waiting."

Waiting in silence feels like an eternity. Nearly afraid to breathe, for fear that sound might be too loud, the only noise to be heard is the occasional popping of the campfire as it sends sparks rising on the heat into the night sky.

The tension builds as each second passes. Surely if they were coming, they'd have been here by now. Maybe the owners of those camp fires are also hiding behind logs and boulders, hoping that you aren't on your way to their site? One warm spring day, while you were walking on a forest trail with your father, you crossed paths with a cougar. The great cat gave a warning growl and then swiftly disappeared into the vegetation. "Mountain lions are just as afraid of us as we are of them", you remember your father saying. This is ridiculous: hiding in the dark from nothing at all.

Just as you are about to break from your position and call an end to this charade, a movement in the darkness catches your eye. From behind a tree a tall figure peers toward your camp, the shine in its eyes can mean only one thing: this creature possesses some sort of night vision. It turns to look back the way it came and as it reveals the profile of it's broad head, your blood runs cold.

Wisdom checks DC15
Havax -(13) +2: 15 - success
Goshin - (16) +2: 18 - success
Shitwizard - (7) +2: 9 - Fail
Gorlax - (5) +2: 7 - Fail



You recognize the prowler to be a gnoll. A, 7-foot-tall, grotesque mutation of what appears to be half human and half hyena.


You're undecided on which half is worse than the other...


From back in the direction that the gnoll is looking, you see another move forward, followed by a third... then from the right and the left, a fourth and a fifth. The beast-like creatures halt their careful advance ten yards from your camp. They sniff at the air with their long, dark, fur covered, snouts.

What do you do?
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I will wait until everyone involved responds with their desired actions before describing the first round of combat.

edit: Never mind. Since you're the first to respond, I'll allow you to have the first initiative.
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The tension is broken by the sudden charge of Gorlax. In surreal slow motion, you see the dwarf leap up from his position of concealment and, with axe raised high, rush towards a gnoll that is standing about 50 foot from him.

What do you do?

You follow the bounty hunter a quarter of a mile from the road. He leads you up and over a hill and then down into what looks like a dried up river bed, its steep banks look like they will nicely conceal the glow of a fire. He looks up at the sky briefly and then turns toward you.

bounty hunter said:
This would be a dangerous spot for a flash flood if there were any chance for rain, but the sky is clear and the walls of this embankment will shield the view of our fire from most directions.

He wraps the reins around an exposed root sticking out from the bank and then begins to unsaddle and tend to the horse.

Garrett said:
My name is Garrett, by the way. I'm heading to Ashabenford. You?

He pauses his work momentarily, waiting for your response.

What do you say? What do you do?
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You follow the bounty hunter a quarter of a mile from the road. He leads you up and over a hill and then down into what looks like a dried up river bed, its steep banks look like they will nicely conceal the glow of a fire. He looks up at the sky briefly and then turns toward you.

He wraps the reins around an expose root sticking out from the bank and then begins to unsaddle and tend to the horse.

He pauses his work momentarily, waiting for your response.

What do you say? What do you do?

DM: What do I know (through the bounty hunting community) of Garrett's exploits? Can I get a sense of his ability/fame as a BH or of his tactics/alignment?

"I am the one they call Wraithed."

I would like to make a perception check (+3) do I notice anything dangerous or trappy about the choice of campsite? Also, I would like to check for the safest (meaning, not trapped in or surrounded with the best route for escape if needed) place to lay bedroll. Once I have done that I start to build a small fire only big enough to heat water for my tea and provide some warmth for the both of us.

"I do travel this road toward Ashabenford but I know not my final destination."

I offer him some tea from my belt pouch

Wisdom DC10: (11) +2:13 - success

In the time you spent at Hillsfar you witnessed Garrett collar several small time crooks. You also saw him looking at the same wanted poster you have in your possession. You've never heard his name until now.

You haven't spent enough time to get to know the disposition of his character, but, as far as tactics go, you assume that he must be well practiced with his bola.

Perception DC10: (4) +3: 7 - fail

You agree with Garrett's assessment about the danger of flash flood, but other than that, you see nothing else dangerous about this choice of campsite.

Garrett accepts your offering of tea. He prepares a meal for himself consisting of some type of jerky, which he sandwiches between a pair of large dry crackers.

Garrett said:
We're both heading to Ashabenford. I know how you monk, loner types, like your solitude, but if you don't mind company, I wouldn't either.

After his meal, he arranges his things so that they are close to the bedroll he's laid out. Laying his longsword and crossbow by his bed, he lies down to sleep, seemingly completely unconcerned about any sort of watch for danger.

Do you do anything?
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what do you do?

i'm slightly embarrassed and angry when i realize my coin purse is empty. my ego is as deflated as the bag. can i do a perception check (i have advantage because of "keen senses") or something to see if i remember anything weird?

i would like a drink but i tell the bartender i seem to have misplaced my money. will he give me one in exchange for a mildly interesting and possibly irritating display of minor magic?

regardless of what the bartender says, is there a place in here i can safely go for a moment and transfer some of the coins the bursar gave me (the remainder of which i want to keep securely within my pack) to some other thing? my purse has a hole in it, yes? do i have another small bag or something i can keep around my neck? mainly i just don't want to be seen. who else is even in this bar?after this first early mishap i don't want to fuck up anymore. the grand mage is counting on me! (if the bartender is willing to give me booze without money, i will wait on this second part and just have that drink for now).

edit: if this dude isn't into magic, maybe i can impress him with some sort of arcana or history knowledge? maybe i notice something about his clothes or his bar and i recall something i read about his family or the area. i'm pretty thirsty.
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I'm going to throw a rock at the head of the nearest beast, then run toward it and attempt to hack it to bits.
Shield raised for blocks

The tension is broken by the sudden charge of Gorlax. In surreal slow motion, you see the dwarf leap up from his position of concealment and, with axe raised high, rush towards a gnoll that is standing about 50 foot from him.

What do you do?

If I have a clear shot from my vantage point, I will let loose an arrow at one of the creatures, and then descend from the tree as quickly as possible to join with the group below. I will stay back a bit to keep range on the ground to ready another arrow. If i'm charged when i'm on the ground, I will ready my scimitars and take a defensive stance.
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Wisdom DC10: (11) +2:13 - success

In the time you spent at Hillsfar you witnessed Garrett collar several small time crooks. You also saw him looking at the same wanted poster you have in your possession. You've never heard his name until now.

You haven't spent enough time to get to know the disposition of his character, but, as far as tactics go, you assume that he must be well practiced with his bola.

Perception DC10: (4) +3: 7 - fail

You agree with Garrett's assessment about the danger of flash flood, but other than that, you see nothing else dangerous about this choice of campsite.

Garrett accepts your offering of tea. He prepares a meal for himself consisting of some type of jerky, which he sandwiches between a pair of large dry crackers.

After his meal, he arranges his things so that they are close to the bedroll he's laid out. Laying his longsword and crossbow by his bed, he lies down to sleep, seemingly completely unconcerned about any sort of watch for danger.

Do you do anything?

"Your company would be welcome Garrett. We should head out at first light."

I make a small meal of the hard cheese and dried fruit from my backpack. After setting up my bedroll in a place where someone would have to walk over brush to reach me I set my things beside the bedroll and meditate on trust before getting some sleep.