D&D Thread II

I grab my bag of rocks. How many do I have? ,
Also, my axe and armor. I move near to a tree with my eyes watching the direction the fires were. I'd like to keep Tree or something to my back or flank if possible without obscuring myself from the group
Scrambling to cover I order the ranger to climb the tree above Goshin and provide cover and a better vantage point to warn us of incoming danger and quietly tell the lads to prepare.

I grab my bag of rocks. How many do I have? ,
Also, my axe and armor. I move near to a tree with my eyes watching the direction the fires were. I'd like to keep Tree or something to my back or flank if possible without obscuring myself from the group

I'd say you have about a dozen fist sized rocks that you've collected. You've been keeping them in a burlap gunny sack that you scavenged from one of the pack mules after the potatoes had been consumed.
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As havax moves to my area I hand him a rock to throw as distraction or if he has good Aim, to pelt someone and break their skull. His choice if he sees anyone.

The camp fires were a good two and a half miles off. Even at a dead sprint, running down hill at you, it would take at least 10 or 12 minutes to get from there to here.

In the meantime, waiting on Havax and Gorlax
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Quick Interjection

You guys go ahead and coordinate how you want to set up your defense. I don't plan on using any tactical maps or miniatures or anything. Battles in this game will be a coordinated effort of communal story telling between all parties involved.

If you want to describe your own surroundings and how you plan to use them toward your advantage, I will accept your version of events, so long as you don't get carried away and start conjuring items and obstacles that would be unrealistic for the current environment as they've been already described.

For example: I'm happy with the notion that trees are available to climb and snipe from, even though I never described the area as having trees. These are things that are assumed. If you are in a mountainous environment, there will be trees. There will be stones on the ground and logs near the fire to use as improvised weapons.

You tell me what you want to do, I make the decisions if I will allow you to do it or not.
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You're walking, once again down the same dirt road, heading toward Ashabenford. Years of wagon wheels rolling up and down this highway have left two narrow strips of ground hardened and bare with a stripe of tall grass running down the center, the vegetation along it's sides threatening to conceal that a road there even exists.

The hours roll along as your mind is occupied with the thoughts of your earlier encounter burning into your memory. It's crazy to finally see, with your own eyes, a creature that you had only heard tales of, just day's before.

The descent of the sun seems to quicken as it approaches the horizon. Just as you are beginning to consider finding a secluded gully, off of this beaten path, to make camp, you hear the whinny of a horse behind you.

About a hundred paces behind you, you see a horse coming in your direction carrying a cloaked rider. It is clear that he has seen you, he must have been within view of you for the last 15 to 20 minutes.

What do you do?
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The camp fires were a good two and a half miles off. Even at a dead sprint, running down hill at you, it would take at least 10 or 12 minutes to get from there to here.

In the meantime, waiting on Havax and Gorlax

I quickly mention to everyone in the party the bird call signal I will use if I spot anything from above, then I find the tallest tree in the vicinity and shimmy up to the top and conceal myself as best as I can as I scan the ground, bow in ready position.

The camp fires were a good two and a half miles off. Even at a dead sprint, running down hill at you, it would take at least 10 or 12 minutes to get from there to here.

In the meantime, waiting on Havax and Gorlax

Good morning guys.

Since we can see in the dark, low light why don't we use that advantage to set a trap. We light the fire back while some of us go walk up to the unknown camp fires.
Proposing that the camp site is in a smallish clearing surrounded by trees/dwarf sized or bigger rocks allowing some protection from the elements and what not...back to in game.

I agree with Gorlax while allowing the ranger to keep an eye out from the trees above. While not sending the men to the camp sites in the distance, I suggest we fan out and hide around the camp sight, letting the site of our fire draw them in and wait for the right moment to spring the trap on any would be adversaries.
[SIZE="4You guys go ahead and coordinate how you want to set up your defense. I don't plan on using any tactical maps or miniatures or anything.

Actually setting up a map with miniatures on it and posting photos of the battle would be pretty awesome. Alternatively there is probably an online version or Neverwinter/Baldurs toolbox that can be used to paint the picture.

either way

The dwarf squire Jamian, bearing a grimace of determination, accepts shitwizard's proposal as an order and positions himself by shitwizard's side with a hand-axe, at the ready, and a buckler on his arm.

The attendant, Vician, and the messenger, Horster, both look like they're about to soil themselves. Nervously they equip themselves for battle. White knuckle grips on their swords, hurtling over a downed tree near the camp, they use its thick trunk for cover.

Havax can be seen rapidly scaling a tree that is in a good position to have an unobstructed view of the majority of the camp.

The half-elf, Aldren, bearing a crossbow in one hand and a case full of bolts in the other, stages himself behind a boulder near shitwizard's two dwarven retainers.

At the far side of the camp, the ponies, horses, and mules are tethered to a rope that is ran between a pair of trees. The mounts seem agitated, almost as if they can sense an aura of unease that has come over the camp.

What do you guys want to do?
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What do you guys want to do?[/QUOTE]

Turn off my torch, and run to the far side of the camp ready to fight. I order Goshin to run as well but on the other side so we can flank what ever is coming at us...
Dead Ben
Secret Squirrel

The North Gate is just that: a gate in the northern most section of the city walls. With no sally port and no portcullis, the gate, not much more than a giant pair of wooden doors, isn't at all very impressive. If the city ever fell under siege, you doubt it would take much more than a few of the lodge-pole pines that pepper the landscape outside of the city walls, bound together, used as a battering ram, to take these doors down in a hurry. But then, these walls and the two gates, in and out of Scardale, aren't meant to protect the city from an army. It's likely they're just used as a measure to temporarily detain travelers who arrive after dark, to keep undesirables from sneaking into the city or to help slow down a criminal trying to escape from the town after committing a crime.

Along with Secret Squirrel and Meyog are two other men who are also mounted, waiting, and ready to move. Both of these men wear studded leather coats. One man bears a long sword, in its scabbard, at his side and has a dented kite shield fastened behind his saddle. The other man is armed with a short sword, and has a long bow resting across his lap, feathered arrows stick up above his right shoulder from the quiver strapped to his back.

The glow from several lanterns cast dancing shadows against the buildings up and down the main causeway as four additional horsemen approach. As well as the constable and his two men, a priest accompanies them. You notice the emblem on the shield of the priest. A rose against a golden grain backdrop reveal him to be a worshiper of Chauntea, the goddess of nature and all growing things.


As the two groups of men come together the constable halts his horse, gives each man an appraising look, and then turns to regard Meyog.

What would you guys do?

You have a keen eye constable. My name is Meyog and I am indeed a ranger. I am familiar with parts of the wood along the road (dm:making an assumption here, I'm also assuming I've been filled in on the situation). Let us head to the spot of the campfire. I will scout ahead looking for any possible ambush. When we regroup at the spot of the campfire I will attempt to track the goblins from there. Gods be willing they haven't killed any captives yet. Let us be off at once, as the trail grows colder by the minute.

Edit: forgot to introduce myself
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I stare at Gorlax for a moment as he had just spoken quite loudly as I had already moved into the tree line.

I hoist my bag of rocks and move to another tree setting it up as protecting my flank, crouching near a bush, with Gorlax about the same distance as me from the 'front' (where the fires went out) just on the other side of the camp

that might have been explained weirdly

x is gorlax hiding on that side, * is center of camp, y is me. So we're equal distance whatever

I introduce myself to the one's not familiar to me. "Hail fellows, I am Deacon Dead Ben and a priest for Chauntea. Nasty business is ahead so lets get going before the wickedness spreads like a blight across fertile crops."

I take up place somewhere in the middle of the pack.
There won't be a whole lot happening today, or a least for the next 8 hours. I'm heading into town to see Catching Fire with my Dad. won't be back until around 9-10:00 mountain time (I live in Montana).