Cops are just getting out of hand anymore

hey we have tasers now in wide spread use!
fuck them, lets shoot every god damned one, cuz we were middle to bottom performers in school and on emotional intelligence tests and have power problems that reflect our positions not unlike security guards in that college experiment!

also if we kill someone the police force will tighten ranks and we'll get light to no sentences but maybe suspensions which aint bad for murder 2!
Poor innocent lads.

Wife of man killed by police shocked by his death | News - Home

But ~400 rounds? Even if they get cleared they should all just quit out of shame.
"Cops are just getting out of hand anymore"

what the fuck is wrong with your shitty country and the retarded people in it??

holy fuck i hate you
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I'm not sure which is more worrisome. Cops shooting ~400 rounds or the addition of a random word at the end of the title.