California Sucks Change My Mind

Ya I pay a 2% fee on credit. But mine are $40/year for a 05 Hyundai

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nope They charged this on my debit card.
i can't afford my life style in CA
I'm glad Lemon is rich
or lives a poor life style
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own a house in sf
good weather, food, lots to do in and outside the city
politics are beyond fucked
sf people think they're above everyone else, live in a total bubble

such great reads.....about to use one them in the Maga thread against Vanster's noise

and think of what Cali has done for the entire automobile industry until Trump said I'm sorry but the country has enough of your impossible emission standards idiocy.

there are millions of cars with tubes going everywhere and nowhere (at the same time) that some angry shady tree mechanic will never be able to figure out how to replace, yet alone what to replace them with, thanks to the retards living in this State.

I currently have a lawnmower CARB I have to replace with a bootleg one, from another State, due to the same problems they have invoked on automobiles.

I couldn't figure out why it runs like shit, stalls out, and basically skips every few cylinder cycles and then I realized I bought a CALI model.......absolute piece of shit that spits and sputters worse than these EPA gas cans your articles mention.

yeah that fuckers gone like the gas cans that can't pour out gas........I have to, according to your great articles, now use a Water can do that correctly again these days.

Fingers cross I don't pull a Jesse from Breaking Bad and dissolve the can with petrol cause I bought the wrong composite material.

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it's amazing how kids like Greta Thunderberg who can't find meaningful work, aka don't work, demand more items that do not work for the rest of us to further complicate our abilities to work.

i am drinking out of a paper straw right now because of these cunts and cocksucks....

need to go home and order a box of plastic Trump straws for more item on my TO-DO-LIST

Sorry Greta but not everyone wants to run 100 miles every day like our Chief of Alcoholism and GF Beating.

Not everyone can take a yacht between continents as a cure for their Aspergers and white guilt.

Some of us actually have shit to do and money to make.

Soap doesn’t work. Toilets don’t flush. Clothes washers don’t clean. Light bulbs don’t illuminate. Refrigerators break too soon. Paint discolors. Lawnmowers have to be hacked. It’s all caused by idiotic government regulations that are wrecking our lives one consumer product at a time, all in ways we hardly notice.

don't property wash your hair on your own time and dime
Fuel Check

173.9 per litre here in city of Sydney (postcode 2000)

Reads to me there are 3.7854 litres in a Gallon.

Is that 46 cents Australian a Gallon?

Exchange rate is "0.68 United States Dollar" which is currently shit for Australia*

So I think that works out to 0.31 US for a gallon. Did I get that right?

*You should come visit and see the place before it all burns down. No i don't believe it's climate change. We have regular droughts and hazard reduction burning (raking the forest) has not been happening enough, whilst the pyros and lightning strikes remain active. Our city has been a smoke haze for weeks. A Few days of rain and things will all be back to normal.

It's summer. Women have their boobs out on the beaches.
Fuel Check

173.9 per litre here in city of Sydney (postcode 2000)

Reads to me there are 3.7854 litres in a Gallon.

Is that 46 cents Australian a Gallon?

Exchange rate is "0.68 United States Dollar" which is currently shit for Australia*

So I think that works out to 0.31 US for a gallon. Did I get that right?

*You should come visit and see the place before it all burns down. No i don't believe it's climate change. We have regular droughts and hazard reduction burning (raking the forest) has not been happening enough, whilst the pyros and lightning strikes remain active. Our city has been a smoke haze for weeks. A Few days of rain and things will all be back to normal.

It's summer. Women have their boobs out on the beaches.

lol no, youre hovering around california pricing

Australia gasoline prices, 02-Dec-2019 |
The state is beautiful. I'd wage it's the best overall state hands down as far as outdoor activities and scenery. It's the people that ruin the entire experience. It's like dating a beautiful, gold digging woman who is a total train wreck outside of appearance. No thanks.
California is an experiment for the left.

It is failing exactly as they want it to.

For the left, it is the perfect experiment and should be immediately administered to all of America.

Good luck with that.

Edit: I LOVE California as a state. It is wonderful and beautiful.

politics has destroyed it. perhaps beyond repair.
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Dude picking needles from storm drains before they get into a lake.
Found in Oakland's Lake Merritt: 250 hypodermic needles