[Brink]New FPS from Splash Damage

looks like the light turret has the same AI as the bots you get for teammates in challenges and campaign
I like, atleast on xbox, you can't join people who are lesser ranks. I want to join with my friends but I can't. Lame.
So i have come to a few conclusions.

AR's are fucking worthless, SMG's are better in just about everyway, and seem to hit just as hard.

Hack objectives are redicules, its to easy to defend them

There is no point to use the light body type unless you want to die faster
The turrets are useless aside from being used as a bullet shield, I've seen lights run in a straight line in front of a turret, then slide past without the turret opening fire at all repeatedly

on the other hand Mines serve the same purpose if you want to know where someone is and they actually will damage them unlike turrets.


after watching this video i now change my mind on the game....i will wait for bargain bin price.
Hypnosis is a shitty bf player anyway, nothing lost not having him.

What turret is that? Theres a light/medium/heavy. The light turret is supposed to have downs. The heavy is supposed to be alot stronger

edit- agreed with subtance, the light armor + smg's = rape, I've been using that, with the front grip for better accuracy, and taped magazines, seems to be pretty powerful
completely untrue

I agree.

Lights just cannot get into fire fights. NOT AT ALL.
They are for specialized purposes.

I don't like that you have to unlock the heavy and the light to play one.
Servers are full of all mediums at the moment.

AR's do seem a little worthless compared to SMG's for most firefights.

I have had the odd long distance pick off with the AR though.
I just carry SMG and AR and switch depending on the range of the fight I'm in.

If I'm using a wall to block myself and pop out and take some shots at a target I use the AR, if I'm running around and likely to get into a closer range battle I pop out the SMG.

Haven't unlocked the turret on my engineer yet. That video does make them look pretty shitty. They should probably patch that.

Mines are awesome.
For those having performance issues with ATI cards, I've come across two things that have significantly improved framerate for mine; allowing me to go from 30FPS in firefights to about 55-60FPS.

  • Download this - Brink Config Program v1.2 then turn off shadows.

  • Add this: seta r_useThreadedRenderer “2″ to your autoexec.cfg file for Brink.