[Brink]New FPS from Splash Damage

it made sense that it'd be another thing you could unlock as you continued to play, but from what i've read you can pretty much unlock everything in a week of very moderate play so... :shrug: Maybe they are planning to raise the level cap and continue to add unlockables in the future. That would make sense since you are capped at 20 right now.

I played for about 5 hours and made level 9, have about 80% of the content unlocked unless there is hidden stuff too.
i was wondering same thing

by the end of the couple hrs i played last night (360 keke) it seems like those values can't be compared directly between different gun 'classes', if that makes sense. so if you see a SMG with a high dmg bar, it's in comparison to all the other SMGs

this is pure conjecture & just going by how it felt in-game :shrug:

I don't know that the gun stat listings are accurate at all. I compared all of the ARs and there is one that is higher in every category than any other, so of course I used that for awhile. It was noticeably less powerful than the base gun I switched from. I think they may have done some weapon tweaking over time and never updated the bars in the description windows.
Brink for PC: runs great, plays well online, is a ton of fun

Ars review of the patched PC version. They liked it.

I must have a different startup tutorial video because everyone else is making a huge fucking deal over how long it is. It's like 5 minutes tops.

Just for reference, I started the video, got up, drank a soda, heated up a frozen waffle, ate it, checked my son's homework, used the restroom, and it was still yammering on about grenades or some other madness. You will have the sense that you should see it through to get the experience points, but trust me, it's not worth it.

I don't know that the gun stat listings are accurate at all. I compared all of the ARs and there is one that is higher in every category than any other, so of course I used that for awhile. It was noticeably less powerful than the base gun I switched from. I think they may have done some weapon tweaking over time and never updated the bars in the description windows.
lol that's probably more likely a scenario than mine :)
Yeah the tutorial video was short and you can just hit escape anyway, why is that even worth a mention for all these retarded reviewers
I read that in several reviews, one said it was ~40 minutes long :ftard: Maybe there was something different in the pre-release version they reviewed? It sure seemed to hit a sour note.
So yeah, seems like PC version is definitely the one to get. Almost want to rent the 360 version or something to see how different it really is.
Oh wow, so apparently what would happen is that instead of playing the Intro video we all saw, it was playing EVERY SINGLE tutorial video back to back. Holy crap.
what i really wish now was that there was a resource that accurately described weapon stats in this game.
You have to use direct connect to get the password to come up and then it is 'gooffense' - it turns on @ 14 so that there are spots available for people.