[Brink]New FPS from Splash Damage

The server is fixed! All maps are working and it no longer crashes. I put it on a new box with 64bit windows and it works flawlessly. The new info is:

Shazbot Central
Overflow password "gooffense" - the must be entered by direct connect
Vent info is bromine.typefrag.com 47497 pw:afk
after watching this video i now change my mind on the game....i will wait for bargain bin price.

That's on one of the bots "training" videos where you guard a 'tower'(which is really just a command station).

They bots stream out of the gates that have the lights flashing. It's really simple actually.
Just to back up what everyone else has said, those are bots that are about as equally retarded as the turrets are.

I just used that video to explain how useless turrets in general are... medium turrets fare a bit better but they still suffer slow acquisition times when a enemy is right in front of the "lazer"
I like, atleast on xbox, you can't join people who are lesser ranks. I want to join with my friends but I can't. Lame.

When you set the options in Freeplay mode there is an option for target skill ranks. Default is no one above your level, so if you don't change that you won't get into a game with someone above you.
I just unlocked the medium turret and used it a bit tonight. I can't see any difference between it and the light on targeting or fire rate, but it does seem to do more damage. With the medium I got some turret kills while the light pretty much just pings the enemy and you might get assist points from it. Overall though turrets are weak and should be tweaked up a bit. They have a very limited targeting FOV, although they will track a target outside of that arc, it will never acquire a target there. The targeting and attack range is too low so it has limited usefulness overall.

Still, I own pretty well using the engineer class. Mines are nice. But since I mainly started that class for the turrets I should probably change to soldier or something else.
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I just unlocked the medium turret and used it a bit tonight. I can't see any difference between it and the light on targeting or fire rate, but it does seem to do more damage. With the medium I got some turret kills while the light pretty much just pings the enemy and you might get assist points from it. Overall though turrets are weak and should be tweaked up a bit. They have a very limited targeting FOV, although they will track a target outside of that arc, it will never acquire a target there. The targeting and attack range is too low so it has limited usefulness overall.

Still, I own pretty well using the engineer class. Mines are nice. But since I mainly started that class for the turrets I should probably change to soldier or something else.

I played with you for a bit tonight (moysauce3). I usually just throw my turret up in a choke point or using it to assist or spot enemies for me.
The more I play this the more it feels like a beta version.

backup your current save before you begin playing.

We have identified an issue with the PC version of the game that can corrupt a player's character data, making the save file unusable and resetting all progress. A fix is in the works already and will be released as soon as possible. In the meantime, please follow the advice below:

To avoid losing your character progress, do not close the game during start-up before you have reached the main menu.

As an extra safeguard, you can make a backup of your save game by saving a copy of game.save in \...\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\#user#\22350\remote\ before you begin play.
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My level of enjoyment is dropping quickly, too many idiotic teammates and stacked teams. There are so many people that don't seem to understand the game is not a TDM. And it isn't even like they are good at killing people, they suck at that too....
My level of enjoyment is dropping quickly, too many idiotic teammates and stacked teams. There are so many people that don't seem to understand the game is not a TDM. And it isn't even like they are good at killing people, they suck at that too....

Server lag has a huge part in getting kills, I would blame bad net code before saying people lack aim.
apparently my system is older than i thought i was. running lowerish settings ingame i still get 40-50 fps dropping into 30s in firefights. quad-core e660 (2.4ghz), 6gig ram, geforce 295gtx. anything i can do to improve performance other than upgrading hardware?
So I hit level 20 and started playing with the lvl 3 turret and in a nutshell, it still sucks.

It shoots for a bit longer and it probably does more damage (i honestly couldn't tell) but it still takes forever to pick/track a target.

Oh btw you cant level past 20 so you can never get all the abilities on one character.
substance, that's kind of the idea, you have to choose your abilities specializations. Though I kind of wish you could swap between characters or something while in a game, being stuck in a certain body type is kind of annoying.