[BREAKING] Texas Voter ID Law

Becoming more liberal was a direct result of surrounding myself with a better group of friends and broadening my media intake past fox and talk radio.

I figured out what I had been assuming was "liberal bias" was just my way of lying to myself when I came across sources that didn't agree with my views.

So I changed my views to match the facts as I understood them, and now I don't have that problem anymore.

When I attended UVA, I got some shit for not being old enough to drink. In november, I'll be 30. Yeah, lot can change if you give it over a decade..

So a better group of friends and different media sources helped you become more liberal? Fucking retard.

So instead you circle jerk to MSNBC, wear skinny jeans, and have a kit cap on in the middle of the summer complaining about women's rights?

I thought that is how all liberal kinda-males are
So a better group of friends and different media sources helped you become more liberal?

Yes. I turned fox news on the day bush v. gore happened and never stopped watching. I didn't know at the time, but of course fox was pulling for bush, and that got across to me, and I started to pull for bush too. Later, 9/11 and the resulting coverage solidified that stance.. you listen to talk radio every day on your way to class, and conservative opinion isn't an opinion anymore, it's fact, it's all you know. Everything else is a result of liberal bias, or so you think.

That's what living in the conservative bubble is like. I know. I fucking did it.

And now I'm out. It's like leaving a cult. And just like leaving a cult, look at all the little cult members like yourself start attacking me for it.
Now triple is living in the way so more refreshing liberal bubble with new friends wearing save the whale shirts and replaced Bush bumper stickers with COEXIST

aww You must feel so liberated
You traded one cult for another because something is missing in life. You have an insatiable need to belong to something. Maybe you should get a pet.

You can think that if you want, but I'm completely comfortable with my core political beliefs at this point in my life. I also find myself a less anti-social individual in general.

I'm open to re-evaluating my positions if the facts change. That was my mistake the last time. If asked I can justify my positions with facts at any time. I couldn't do that as a conservative. Take voter rights - the conservative argument is based on a hypothetical that someone MIGHT commit fraud, while the liberal position is based on the facts that something like 10% of the population won't have an ID. That's hard numbers versus a big fat hypothetical.

I also don't encase myself in the msnbc/reddit bubble. I regularly post on conservative blogs all the time.
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At some point you might discover that both sides are full of liars and thieves and that no one has some monopoly on truth because of the color of their uniform.

The issues are the issues. I don't recall saying "I'm against voter ID because obama is." I'm against voter ID because it's a horrible fucking idea. What any "side" thinks of it is irrelevant.
At some point you might discover that both sides are full of liars and thieves and that no one has some monopoly on truth because of the color of their uniform.

try to understand what this man is explaining to you and stop being a sheep.

dem or rep you are still one of the flock.
and I am completely comfortable calling you a retard triple. You make it sound like you got "Saved" like you just joined a new religion after living in the dark ages of having a different opinion. You are not more informed, you are not less biased, you are not smarter for being a liberal. That is what is cracking me up..
The issues are the issues. I don't recall saying "I'm against voter ID because obama is." I'm against voter ID because it's a horrible fucking idea. What any "side" thinks of it is irrelevant.

You're just naive then. All of these "issues" are just attempts to gain and hold power. You are the useful idiot being led around by them.

The only "sides" are the ones who control and those who are controlled. You seem to need to be able to see some good in the former but they are psychopaths regardless.
I am more informed. I read more sources of information across the entire spectrum. That's a fact. I am less biased, and I'm capable of changing my mind because there's zero shame in changing positions based upon new information. It's when you self-select information to support your position, that's what gets you in trouble.

If you came to me today with a solid reason as to why voter ID would help more than it would hurt, I would change my mind on the issue. But right now the math doesn't work with your stated goals.

Your stated goals are preventing voter fraud. You want to prevent voter fraud because that disenfranchises actual voters. And that makes sense. That's an admirable goal.

But your solution to this problem is to disenfranchise an entirely different set of voters. You're fighting disenfranchisement with further disenfranchisement. It makes no logical sense.

The only way that solution makes sense, and I'm being cynical here, is if your real goal was to disenfranchise minorities and students - the two democrat-leaning groups least likely to have an ID - under the guise of preventing voter fraud. But that's me being cynical. Even if I wasn't of that opinion, your math still doesn't hold up.

Until you can make the math work, I don't know how you justify this.
You're just naive then. All of these "issues" are just attempts to gain and hold power. You are the useful idiot being led around by them.

The only "sides" are the ones who control and those who are controlled. You seem to need to be able to see some good in the former but they are psychopaths regardless.

Go ahead and think that. I don't fucking care. I don't need your validation or permission to think what I think.

holy fuk

I have not heard even one coherent argument as to why its a bad idea other than "ID Cards cost $16 and black people are lazy"