[BREAKING] Texas Voter ID Law

someone sum up this voter id stuff in 3 sentences for me
you need ID for purcahsing booze, cigs, cashing checks, banking and numerous other life activities. Republicans want someone to prove they are who they say they are to vote. Dems claim ID law would disenfranchise niggers and spics, because they can't afford around $10 for a state ID.
Fucking judges

Yeah how dare they do something that actually makes sense.

"What voter ID laws do accomplish is that they disproportionately target groups like racial minorities, low-income voters and young voters who are particularly likely not to have a photo ID — and who also tend to prefer Democrats over Republicans on election day."

If you can't afford the $16 it costs to get a Texas ID then voting should not be a priority of yours any damned way. Finding a job should be.
Does presenting a drivers licence not count?

it does count. it's as simple as that, too. why anyone is fussing about this shit is asinine. i know why they do, though. because it was way easy to game the system before, hispanics all have the same first and last names too often, so it's easy to steal identities and vote in their stead.
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Student ID doesn't count.

Also, the law wasn't upheld, the SCOTUS simply refused to hear a request for an emergency hearing. They'll take it on, but only after the election.
Dems claim ID law would disenfranchise niggers and spics, because they can't afford around $10 for a state ID.

Yeah the same ones who are wearing $120 Jordans and have a brand new iPhone. The same ones who have the audacity to say it's racism that is keeping them down. No you stupid fucks. Racism is not keeping you down. Your lack of priorities keeps you down.
So I don't get it, whats the fuss? Before this you just walked in and voted without any fucking ID?
So I don't get it, whats the fuss? Before this you just walked in and voted without any fucking ID?

yes. you could say you're juan garcia and they'd pick one of the 800 juan garcias in your city and mark them off.
yes. you could say you're juan garcia and they'd pick one of the 800 juan garcias in your city and mark them off.

:rofl: you fucking serious? No ID necessary?

Holy fuck.

Up here, for both provincial and federal elections, every voter is mailed a personal voting card (like an invitation) which he/she has to bring to the polls, along with photo ID.