[BP] Was it a Shakedown?

my sister works at red cross in minnesota.

she had a *LOT* of people coming to her for Katrina aid checks... in minnesota.

some of which were extremely aggressive and persistent.

I don't know how they're going to manage to give out aid for these people. I saw some dude on the news saying how BP owed him a half million dollars cause is little cement reef company lost work. I also think if they're bitching about being out of work and they want a check from BP, they should provide some kind of cleanup services.

the obscenely massive scale of this disaster isn't being considered, there's no way BP can compensate everyone for all of the damage they've caused, not gonna happen, in the meantime all this foot dragging and bitching is just making things worse. get out there and clean up this shit now, worry about details later.

That is definitely wild. I would hate to work in claims for this kind of thing, everyone trying to get a piece of the action
so he wasn't doing anything, and now he got a giant fucking mountain of money. Isn't that a good thing?
so he wasn't doing anything, and now he got a giant fucking mountain of money. Isn't that a good thing?

I guess if a pile of money is your goal

minimizing the effects of the spill and maintaining as many peoples day to day lives as possible would have been my initial goal
Yeah I was just thinking, we have a chemically polluted southern seacoast, facist Arizona movement, and an undeclared civil war in Mexico. The map of the US is starting to look a little more Thunder Road.
I guess if a pile of money is your goal

minimizing the effects of the spill and maintaining as many peoples day to day lives as possible would have been my initial goal

You and BP both!

They volunteered to do it, at the President's recommendation. Nothing illegal about that, that's just good corporate citizenship.
You and BP both!

They volunteered to do it, at the President's recommendation. Nothing illegal about that, that's just good corporate citizenship.

Like they should

but when you deny any other assistance its obvious you are handling the situation like a lawyer

the higher the damages the higher the pay day, so let the cards fall then collect as much as you can to clean up the mess.
Yeah I was just thinking, we have a chemically polluted southern seacoast, facist Arizona movement, and an undeclared civil war in Mexico.

good time to revisit that whole southern states leaving to form their own country thing again.

save us some headaches and money no doubt.
Anyone realize WHY we're drilling in the gulf instead of safer locations across the US?

I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that they make a lot of money off it.

Does anyone wonder why someone would suggest that environmental safety protections are an excuse for unsafe drilling practices?
The environmentalists caused the oil leak.

Seriously, who would believe that?

The environmentalists forced BP to drill in deep water.
The environmentalists forced BP to use untested/unproved technology.
The environmentalists forced BP to lie about the size of spill they could handle.
BP had no choice in the matter.

fucking idiots
Oh I get it now, this is what he is upto with that fund


it'll turn out to be the biggest African money scam EVER.

"Dear Honorable Mr. Hussein Obama Esq.,

We have enclosed the amount you specified in your letter to us. Please be sure to contact us when you have received payment, and when we can expect to see the additional amount you promised be deposited back into our bank account.


looks better if you change it to the 2008 cycle.

BP: All Recipients | OpenSecrets

I wonder what might have been happening in 2008? Hummmm OH yeah a presidential election! Who was the other politician who received a ton more than your standard Senator/Representative? That's right, McCain.

To put it in perspective, BP is listed at #111 in the list of heavy hitters in lobbying, money-wise, with ~6.2m. Of that money 70% goes to Repubs and 29% to Dems.

Exxon Mobil... 10.8m split 15% (D) to 85% (R)
Chevron... 11m split 24% (D) to 75% (R)

ZOMG Obama got 1.2% of the money BP has thrown around the capital!!!

Kinda kills your boner huh?

I guess if a pile of money is your goal

minimizing the effects of the spill and maintaining as many peoples day to day lives as possible would have been my initial goal

Well I would say that goal should have been BP's initial goal. Now Obama has a pile of money to help pay for the repercussions caused by BP. At least this lessens the douche-baggery soon to follow from BP's lawyers and its impact on US citizens. I call that being a leader.
At least this lessens the douche-baggery soon to follow from BP's lawyers and its impact on US citizens. I call that being a leader.

you're going to look foolish when Barry shows up at the lake this summer with two new jet skis and a brand new half-ton to tow them with...