[BP] Was it a Shakedown?

Hey guess what, when your company has enough power to ruin the lives of hundreds of thousands of fishermen (as well as cause tremendous environmental damage), the government deserves to come in and fuck your shit up.
I love how the right says obama is being too gentle with BP, so he toughens up and they say he's "stong arming" them.

or did nobody else notice this?

I know you think i am the right but i never said they were being to gentle on BP, my biggest complaint was that the federal government has been doing nothing but pointing fingers.

Now Obama is clearly playing king, just like he has everytime there is an issue he can take advantage of
I thought Republicans are for smaller government? If they think getting a company to clean up the mess it made is wrong, then you tell me who is going to do it. The US government? Great, then we the American public get to foot the bill. That is nothing more than a bailout for one company.

The government exists for national crisis management

We are responsible, at least partially, we elected a man who was being paid off to allow this to happen
I know you think i am the right but i never said they were being to gentle on BP, my biggest complaint was that the federal government has been doing nothing but pointing fingers.

Now Obama is clearly playing king, just like he has everytime there is an issue he can take advantage of

The federal government does not need to do anything when there is a clear responsible party for the mess. As it has played out, that responsible party... has not been so responsible, so NOW we need the federal government to come in and crack heads.

I see no major FUBAR from the federal government

We are responsible, at least partially, we elected a man who was being paid off to allow this to happen

You are talking about Joe Barton here, right?
If my company destroys the fucking entire planet you think I should get off scott free because its a company?

I really cannot see how conservatives are defending BP at this point.
So am I getting this right Republicans, its okay to destroy lives if you are a corporation?

If any major corporation started detonating nukes on american soil in the middle of natural parks killing all the wildlife and starting huge PLUMES of radioactive fallout that swept over several american cities, endangering the entire populations of these cities and towns with cancer causing agents and pollutants, republicans would apologize to them?
Now Obama is clearly playing king, just like he has everytime there is an issue he can take advantage of

really? How?

wouldn't a king just come in and do shit without talking and making sure everyone agrees and is happy? I see him as the opposite, an impotent bureaucrat who spends much too much time talking and trying to please everyone and not enough time just doing shit.
If my company destroys the fucking entire planet you think I should get off scott free because its a company?

I really cannot see how conservatives are defending BP at this point.

Nobody thinks anybody should get off Scott free

Obama can't just cross his arms and demand money, well he can, but it is nothing but destructive to the United States. It's clear Obama is a lawyer and not a leader by the way he thinks he can award his way to justice.

Obama hasn't talked to anybody, he wouldn't even speak to BP
Wait, how can you even use the word "destructive" to describe trying to get American citizens their reimbursement for damages in a reasonable amount of time?

You don't care that people lost their livelihoods? Should they all get jobs in offices now? 15 have died, hundreds of miles of coastlines have had ALL LIFE completely contaminated. Wars have been started on less.
Wait, how can you even use the word "destructive" to describe trying to get American citizens their reimbursement for damages in a reasonable amount of time?

You don't care that people lost their livelihoods? Should they all get jobs in offices now? 15 have died, hundreds of miles of coastlines have had ALL LIFE completely contaminated. Wars have been started on less.

We should be productive and help those people, it's destructive that the federal government has done squat but point fingers

BP should and will pay thats unquestioned, we have a system for awarding damages and this isn't it.
I am glad that you have faith in our legal system and I am glad you believe justice will prevail in the end. However, our system to award damages hasn't worked in the past, some better system is needed. This is an unprecedented event (the worst oil spill in our nation's history) and calls for unprecedented measures.

It took many years, about two decades for people to receive their reimbursements for their losses the Exxon scenario and it was hardly the best form of justice. Justice would have been quicker action for the citizens affected by this and other catastrophes. The President has had to make such decisions regarding the wellbeing of American citizens before and will continue to do so.

The same people criticizing the presidents actions now would have criticized him nonrespondent to the situation.
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Poor little BP being picked on by Obama and the government.

Give me a fucking break. This is the largest man-made environmental disaster we've seen in history. You want to know why he did this, look back at Exxon and their treatment of the Valdez spill.

It happened 21 years ago.
It cost us $2.5 billion in cleanup alone.
They spilled only around 11 million Gallons.
They were fined $5 billion in 1994, and fought it in the courts until 2008 when that amount was reduced to a measly $500 million. In 2009 they were still fighting the payout and still had another $120 million left to pay out.

That same year they went back and found there were still 16,000 gallons in the tide zones..

This, the largest oil spill on record, is occurring in the gulf right now roughly every 4 days. If Exxon was willing to fight for 20 years, there is no way BP wouldn't fight as long if not longer to withhold money from those affected.

Can you honestly tell me you trust what the head of the corporation responsible for the destruction of the gulf says in public?

I figured you guys would be all over this in a good way, the more Obama can wring out of BP's pockets, the less the tax payer will have to pay for.

you also forgot the government had to step in when Exxon kept appealing the payouts so much so the people they were supposed to pay out started to die of natural causes and the government had to step in to tell them to pay up now.
my sister works at red cross in minnesota.

she had a *LOT* of people coming to her for Katrina aid checks... in minnesota.

some of which were extremely aggressive and persistent.

I don't know how they're going to manage to give out aid for these people. I saw some dude on the news saying how BP owed him a half million dollars cause is little cement reef company lost work. I also think if they're bitching about being out of work and they want a check from BP, they should provide some kind of cleanup services.

the obscenely massive scale of this disaster isn't being considered, there's no way BP can compensate everyone for all of the damage they've caused, not gonna happen, in the meantime all this foot dragging and bitching is just making things worse. get out there and clean up this shit now, worry about details later.