[BP] Was it a Shakedown?

no troll, just illustrating the difference that Americans take for granted they can own stuff that 1.3 billion Chinese people make for them at basically no expense.

and think somehow that they won't pay for this in the long term in a much more troubled time...

Which happens to be WAY off topic. Remember we were talking about the douche-nozzle that apologized to BP.
They admitted guilt.

I'm not sure why the teabaggers are saying "SHAKEDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! ILLEGAL!!!!!!" when there's no evidence of anything. BP + the administration had a meeting. In the meeting BP agreed to establish a $20B fund to pay for damages that they are responsible for. How does anyone have an issue with this, other than some douchebag who gets more compaign contributions from the O&G industry than anywhere else?

the republicans are about "personal responsibility" only when it's a brown person or a poor person.
Then why did he apologize for saying it? Why has the republican party publicly chided him for it? If they are just "playing politics" and they really do believe what he said was correct, they aren't being very honest about this incident, are they?

OMG Politicians aren't being honest! Alert the.... wait. Never mind.
from The Economist:

After the macho rhetoric came the demands for cash. Mr Obama decided to “inform” BP that it must put adequate funds to meet all compensation claims into an escrow account beyond its control, although he has no authority to do so. Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives, instructed it not to pay a dividend until all claims tied to the spill are settled. Her fellow Democrats in Congress are trying to raise BP’s liability retroactively—the sort of move America’s courts rightly frown on. Mr Salazar, on even thinner legal ice, suggested that the government would hold BP accountable not just for the harm directly done by the spill, but also for the jobs lost in the oil business thanks to the freeze on oil drilling in deep water that he himself has imposed.


The collapse in BP’s share price suggests that he has convinced the markets that he is an American version of Vladimir Putin, willing to harry firms into doing his bidding.

Nobody should underestimate the scale of BP’s mistake, nor the damage that it has caused. But if the president does not stand up for due process, he will frighten investors across the board. The damage to America’s environment is bad enough. The president risks damaging its economy too.

American politics and business: Obama v BP | The Economist